MovieChat Forums > MCguy > Replies

MCguy's Replies

People. They're the worst. Spangler's body was never found. She is still considered missing. Kirk Douglas was never a police suspect. When he heard a Kirk was mentioned in the note, he went to the police to clear himself. They cleared him. I don't have access to the records, so I don't know why and won't speculate. Because Kirk took the effort to clear himself the uninformed make baseless accusations. Just admit you made a bad analogy. I am beginning to suspect you are a ghost account for The so-called Argentinian. Al Capone was 33 when he went to jail. Lucky Luciano was around 35 when he became boss of bosses. Bugsy' Siegl was murdered when he was 36. Mickey Cohen rans organized crime in LA in his 30's. El Chapo started his cartel when he was 32. Some of the later Dons took power from mid 30s to mid 40s. So 35 isn't unreasonable. And it is a movie. As for the accent, you can lose them or mimic others if you choose. Since Keyser was posing an American, it makes since he would adopt an American accent. When Spielberg directed TCP he had 15 years producing and directing TV episodes and full-length films in various genres. Ten of those years he directed five of the most successful and influential films ever made. This will be Banks fourth full length film. The only success was Pitch Perfect II, a sequel with a built-in audience. You might want to find a comparison that makes sense. The concept of this show was outdated at the time of the show. He also wouldn't have to pretend to be gay to have female roommates. The police found neither person mentioned in the note - Kirk or Dr. Scott. She admitted to Bob Cummings she was having an affair. She was pregnant and seeking an abortion according her friends. As you know abortions were illegal and unsafe then. The night she disappeared, she lied twice to her sister-in-law about where she was going and how long she would be gone. Douglas was never a suspect in the disappearance of Jean Sprangle. When a note in her purse mentioned a Kirk, he went to the police and they cleared him, Ok, she was drunk in a dinghy and fell out. Of course he does. It's on the internet. Here's something else people don't want to confront - the claim Wood was scared of water; I call BS. She owned a yacht. She was on it. When she wanted to leave she used the dinghy. Tombstone? I don't like the title but when the movie was released, I didn't know what the expression meant. Once learning the definition I use it often. Still don't like the title. I love this film. a million twists since then done much better or in many cases telegraphed early in the first act. What's your thoughts on this - MacManus says to Keaton "I just saw the strangest thing (or something similar)." My thought is he is referring to seeing Verbal in Kiser Sozer mode and that Kiser stabbed him. SAG rule allowed Ricardo to play anyone. Period. So many people fail to understand this. Wow. You made Trump trend. Maybe it's not his supported for folks like you. Best answer.