MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

Yes, but Trump the king of blatant unapologetic grifting Lauren Boebert referred to herself, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Green as ultra MAGAS at the CPAC convention this past weekend. This is your party now… Good You’re insane What lies? Elaborate please That’s because the the ultra MAGAS only watch FOX, Newsmax or OAN. Trump pardoned Bannon after stealing wall money. He is the sleaziest , smarmiest grifter in Trumpworld You obviously haven’t read the texts. Fake news was Trumps hideous moniker. The crazy thing we learned this week is that the kings of fake news were Trumps cheerleaders at FOX “news” You can’t make this stuff up! Ninjas Pillows Mules And Trumps Berkeley research group all turned up nothing! The crime of the century and zero evidence Shame on you ! I’m afraid you’re the idiot for believing fake news You should be ashamed! Fox News was outed for lying to their viewers for years Super fake news You should be ashamed Maybe he forgot some top secret documents The flat earthers went to Newsmax Nah, too cheezy and sings like a girl Prove it Better call pillow and the ninjas for assistance Great satire, reminds me of the mutant ninja pillows! Because we’re all waiting for the inevitable indictments But it was Trumps research group! Are all MAGAS deaf dumb and blind ?!