capjourney789's Replies

I just realize how I can tell.......... just go up to it and ask. Trolling? I thought it was because my post was amazingly good. Alec Baldwin Thanks, but I was wondering..... would it still be a good deed if it was an evil pigeon? What if the pigeon wanted to get into the mall in order to steal someone's popcorn or to shit on people's heads just for fun? And I was the one who let the pigeon into the mall to accomplish it's evil agenda. You know how I know a pigeon is gay. It walked right up to me and said, "I'm gay." Yah, I didn't like the fact that I had to sign back in. I had to dig through all my papers trying to find where I wrote the password for this place. Good idea. How can you tell whether a pigeon is male or female? It was automatic doors, but I just wanted to sound good so I said I held the door open. I watch people react to movie trailers and music videos. but yah, when it comes to movies I'd usually might not watch, I'll watch it if someone is doing a reaction on it. You know what's strange, I was thinking if anyone out there would think it was an automatic door instead of me just opening the door, and boom, you got it. Then I was thinking if anyone would think that that experience with the pigeon I had was a similar experience that others had instead of me just making fun of the other posts, and boom, you got it. And then I was thinking about those two coincidences and how people having a collective consciousness, and BOOM, you got it! What are the odds of that? After you give them food, they'd hang out and wait for more. Maybe they thought it was a trap and you'd close the door and capture it. :) Yah, the pigeon thing actually happened, but I didn't think about it until I read some of the other people's posts on here. Actually, it was an automatic sliding door, but I said I held the door open to make me myself sound like a respectable person. But yah, that door wasn't opening for that pigeon. It was waiting there for someone to come by so the sliding door would open as if it's been to that mall before. Ellen will take an important issue and talk about it seriously, while Chelsea will take the same issue and make a parody of it. Chelsea is the female version of Andrew Tate. I had that in PE class, too. I would pretend that I was the dictator of the chocolate factory and I'd pretend to say that to whoever didn't live up to my expectations like in the movie, even though it was obvious the dictator was setting up people to fail. I would say, "You decided to use my candy however you wanted and didn't bow down to me as the master of all candy people instead you ungratful turd!!" And then I'd say, "You are disqualified, you suck, get the hell out, you get nothing, you deserve nothing, and GOOD DAY SIR!" By the way, that would be me making fun of the candy dictator and any dictators in the world. He was probably chugging that chocolate cause he was poor and was starving.