SOteric's Replies

This movie anticipated what the world has become today: a perfectly binary segregation into "cool kids" and "cancelled kids". The reason teen movies changed after Mean Girls is because people no longer wanted to be reminded of real life while they are being entertained. Thank you for posting this - it really says it all. If ever there was a movie that perfectly captured the Bill Clinton years, it was American Beauty. The movie was nothing more and nothing less than an advertisement to lure people to the site. It doesn't move the story forward, making a long movie even longer, and it's the worst scene in the movie. Politics has become like sports: people need a team to root for and identify with. One team can't be the good guys unless the other team is there to be the bad guys. Also, modern society has made people lazy and self-centered. They are convinced that by voting and rooting for their team, they are somehow making the world a better place while protecting their self-interest. Proof positive that education makes people more arrogant, more entitled, and more self-congratulatory. Why isn't this considered hate speech? Academia never fails to let us know who we should hate. Can I vouch for THX-459? I know a lot of people thought that one was too weird, but if you give it time, the discerning viewer will recognize it's an underrated masterpiece. And that satirical "Hollywood" soundtrack - too much!