SOteric's Replies

The current line-up of Yes has no original members. Guitarist Steve Howe has been in and out of the band since 1971, but Peter Banks was the band's original guitarist and appeared on the first two albums. When all you have to go on is a name on a computer screen, everyone seems strange at first. I've only done Spring Training once in my life but it was unforgettable: 2001 in Tempe, AZ - I saw 2 Angels games. Two words: SPRING TRAINING!!! None of the movies you've mentioned are anywhere near as good as Tangled! All his albums are different and unique, and his special guests have been some of the best players in the business. Someone named "Sting" contributes a great bassline to the title track of the Charming Snakes album. I'm not saying everything he's done is perfect and flawless, but the vast majority has been fascinatingly atmospheric and ground-breaking. I've returned to the albums above far more often than I do to the albums he recorded with the Police, who were lucky to have him! Didn't he invent the internet? Squirrels rule! I will always appreciate and admire them. He was great on Days of our Lives in the early 1980s! Of the three choices, Steven Tyler is the best. I would NOT like to see a bio-pic about Aerosmith because the whole point of bio-pics is to focus on drugs and bad behavior, and we have way too much of that already. Steven Spielberg: vastly overrated director. Close Encounters of the Third Kind: truly awful. I would LOVE to see the return of Max Headroom. You could do it easier now with CGI instead of having Frewer spend hours having make-up and latex applied to his face. Besides, Jeffrey Tambor is available for work! He can get a little out of control, but he's really one of the most entertaining posters on this site! The all-caps gimmick was a move of genius to stand out from the crowd. Better this than those tedious, crappy Allstate Mayhem ads. This is what happens when people worship and idolize their college professors. 1. The Cars - masterful debut! 2. Candy O - carbon copy of the first album. 3. Panorama - the "experimental" album: underrated. 4. Move like this - amazing comeback album! 5. Shake it up - the pop album. 6. Heartbeat City - the MTV album. 7. Door to Door - contractual obligation. It's been over a year now - any more news? The only reason there are sex scenes in movies and television is so people who aren't having sex in real life can live vicariously through what they are seeing on the screen. Squirrels rule, no matter what month it is! Woke is all about assuaging personal guilt, and hatred for the status quo. People so desperately need affirmation/validation that they sign up for wokeness as a way to feel better about themselves and to gain acceptance. Wokeness is marketed as "progress", so it's adopted to cover their hatred for previous generations.