SOteric's Replies

Nice to know he's still with us. A true icon of the 1970s! ESPN = Endless Self Promotion Network! If you want to hear a real thigh-slapper, have you heard about the academics who take evolution seriously and think "facts" are determined by voting and forming a consensus? That anyone would consider watching a movie called "Meet the Fockers" or even remotely take it seriously REALLY makes no sense! 1) No Spacing Guild. 2) The events in the book take place over 4-5 years. In the movies, it's more like 4-5 months. 3) Chani's slap. You're right - they streamlined the story and made a lot of changes from the book. I'm sure the screenwriters believed that Thufir Hawat should have died in the Harkonnen attack rather than be captured and forced to work for them. They will no doubt justify the changes by saying that they couldn't show everything. I want one! Inside Out (2015) - Bing Bong's self-sacrifice: "Take her to the moon for me!" This is the correct version of the story. According to Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens's book Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series, the original treatment was by Alan Dean Foster and called "In Thy Image". It then became a first-draft script by Harold Livingston before work on the series stopped. When it finally became the movie we know and love today, both Foster and Livingston were given writing credits. As of 8am PST, I have already seen and appreciated 2 squirrels! Very cute! I mostly agree with this ranking. However, I would rank Silver Chair #3, and Horse and his Boy #4. Now there's a huge surprise! And this just in: the sun sets in the west! Here's a vote for "completely out of ideas". Who over the age of 18 liked any of his ideas in the first place? I realize you are no longer part of this forum, but here are 3 things for everybody else to think about: 1) How do you know for sure that Victoria Jackson is a Christian? 2) Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn't mean they are a Christian. 3) If she is a Christian today, maybe she wasn't when she made this movie. Is there any movie anywhere everyone likes? Who decides which parish does (and doesn't) qualify for the pejorative "megachurch"? Why do we never hear about "mega-hospitals" or "mega-universities", even though their reach and influence far exceeds that of any single church/denomination? Loved his performance in Avalon! Lots of both laughs and melancholy. Absolutely epitomizes the late 1970s. Truly a great show! It's definitely not perfect, but I thought it was a good way to close the series and send the character off into the sunset. One of the best things about it is that it's NOT a big budget spectacle. Little did I know...