SOteric's Replies

Instead of Sadness saving the day, Joy saves the day! If you make decent movies, people will come out to theaters to see them. I saw it today: my theater was full! I saw it today, and you can relax: woke-free! She looks like Danica McKellar! While I'm very aware that there is a lot of garbage out there, it's nice to read one of your posts where you actually LIKE and compliment the movie. I will have to keep an eye out for this one. Just like everything else by Cameron Crowe. I wish this was true! 1. Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance (50:28) 2, Mike Rutherford - Smallcreep's Day (24:38) 3. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells II (58:40) 4. Yes - Close to the Edge (18:50) 5. Mike Oldfield - Crises (20:40) Remind me again: which politicians aren't psychopathic? Kind of like George W. Bush, who was also a really nice guy! You can't even call it an adaptation. It's more like "inspired by, with a few vague references to some of the stories". That being said, it's still a very well made, entertaining movie, just not really based on the book it's named after. Re-instituting the draft will be the fastest way to clear our college campuses of protesters, so the administrators/professors/bureaucrats will feel safer while collecting their paychecks. Is this a warning against recreational drug use? Kids today have no idea who Garfield even is. Hopefully this movie's box office will finally wake people up to the reality that the character has no relevance after the late 1970s-early 1980s. Walking Distance is the better of the two. Sometimes this episode is knocked for being too "talky" (expositing too much), but at least it doesn't have Gart's boss and wife. Is this what we can expect now that you are no longer feuding with Kowalski? 9 out of 10, if only for her performance in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Also, for her catfight with Christina Applegate in View from the Top! An antisemite using the Yiddish term "chutzpah"? Hilarious! And what would be the motive behind "religious reappropriation"? Don't let millsey72 know about this!