Narwhale37's Replies

What would make you not support him? Do some basic research. It's obvious why they didn't allow it. Trump does ignore the voting rights of Democrats. He's was literally indicted for trying to do so. Honestly I don't think he died lol So you're okay with a coup as long as you think there was election fraud? Nope. Has been discussed a million times why statue of limitations doesn't work in this case. The misdemeanors were a part of a larger, felony. Imagine how many people will drop out that aren't a part of the cult of Trump to begin with. Did you miss the part where Trump tried to force Pence to overturn the election certification? Garland is a hack. He just thinks "violence bad" and doesn't consider the nuance, specific struggles or meaning behind anything. He's the 1770s loyalists who wanted "the rebels" to shut up and stop being so violent. He's the 1850s person who thought people were getting "too riled up" about the slavery question. He's the 1960s "white moderate" who thought bought sides of the civil rights movement were bad and too disruptive. He's the '68-'72 Nixon voter who were tired of all the strong protests over the Vietnam war. He's the 2016 "They're the same because one is a wannabe dictator and the other SEEMS corrupt because i don't understand law" He's the 2021 "Well one side tried to coup the government, but the other put black/gay people in my movies so they're the same" Garlanites hate uncomfortable questions. Garlanites hate actually learning subjects. Garlanites hate anything critical of the status quo. Galanites hate justice. Galanites hate objective reasoning and morality Galanites hate picking sides when they matter. Galanites love peace at the expense of others. Galanites love easy questions. Galanites love politics when it's simple. Then why are you talking about them? Will you accept the results of the polls of there is not a bump? Do you think Trump should pardon all the Gaza protesters? Why even bother voting? Wouldn't Biden be in power regardless? If Biden is that powerful, I'm gonna vote for him. Have Trumpies EVER conceded on something? Honest question. It might take a few years but eventually they'll leave their cult. Centrists who don't fall for the enlightened centrism meme when one guy was LITERALLY found guilty of criminal conduct a day ago. There's nothing "gripping" about enlightened centrism. Also Alex has clear never talked to a war journalist before. Also also his "points" are 30 years late as social media killed this a long time ago. Was there a part of the trial you found unfair? If no, they it's no.