MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > 2024 Hypothetical question

2024 Hypothetical question

If he loses the election in November do you think he will be gracious in his exit or continue to be the mean old demented bastard we know he is? If he were to do the right thing for America he would fully pardon Trump, all non violent Jan 6th political prisoners and abortion protestors. I may be dreaming but I would hope he'd be self aware to do the right thing for America walking out the door instead of listening to the crazy wing of his party.


No, he won't do the right thing and he'll contest the results too, not to mention the Super Epic Avengers Inducing Meltdown from the liberal Networks like CNN & MSNBC will be something to behold. Morning Joe will morph into a supervillain over it and Rachel Maddow ill cry on the air that Trump will never leave office now and run a Monarchy and blah blah blah and years from now they'll look back on the moment and realize they had a temporary loss of sanity over it for a while lot of nothing


Once you've exhausted all outlets to contest the election and you know you've lost it would then be time to do the right thing for your successor and our country. I hope Biden understands that and I'd show him some respect if he did.



also the white house will have to be fumigated for all the turds that Joe hid.




Do you think Trump should pardon all the Gaza protesters?
