Movielover123456's Replies

This shit is just liberal propaganda. It was proven that the Russian conclusion was noting but a democrat narrative This movie is fiction. Stop acting like it was real. The Russian conclusion was noting but a hoax. It makes me laugh how lefties still want to believe it was real so bad. Because the user was saying she wasn't Have you ever heard of the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" That's how I would view it I thought she was a Christian? Can I ask where you heard Liev Scrieber is a Republican? I never knew that. He was fuckong crinimal!!!!! Dude was a. Fucking crackhead. Who gunpoint a pregnant woman. Stop acting like he was a fucking saint I been wondering since he plays alot of military roles including 13 hours. Kevin Sorbo, Adam Baldwin and Mark Walberg I think Barry Pepper is conservative too. He really likes guns. I also think Matthew McConaughey is too. I didn't know about Fran Drescher or Russel Crow. That's neat. Also is the actor Josh Stewart conservative? He's both a devout Christian and likes guns. She still might be a Republican. You may find it surprising (I sure did). But their are actors who are conservative who have stared on progressive shows. No joke. Law and Order SVU a very left wing show at one point had three conservative actors working on it. Kelsy Grammer's character Fraiser is a Democrat well Grammer himself is not. I don't think she ment the speech to come out conservative. It's just that's the world we're currently living in. In that speech comes off conservative because of it. Feminists have taken a unhealthy angry approach and don't like to talk about positively as much these days