MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > How long until conservatives realize tha...

How long until conservatives realize that she is not as "based" as they think she is?

She is not much of a conservative either. Non-religious, supports trans and gay rights, etc so just like with JK Rowling the conservatives are missing the bigger picture with her and will end up cancelling her when things catch up with them.


You're describing a middle of the road Republican. Most are THERE.

Not me.

So, your point is dull and blunt.... Useless or nonexistent.


I thought she was a Christian?


She is why?


Because the user was saying she wasn't


She is not much of a conservative either.

I think you're mixing up "Normal sensible right leaning voter"
Extreme right cult following rabid trump twat .


People who rail about Wokeness, call BLM Racist, and bootlick cops even the criminal ones, are not conservative, they're Right-wing Populists.

Carano has embraced Right-wing Populism, not conservatism.
