Thoughtful movie

When I started this I thought I'd watch for a few minutes and then skip it.
But somehow even thought it doesn't tell us much, I saw it to the end.
The woman who played Reality was awesome, she seemed very real.
And I have no idea whatever the hell it was she leaked.
But I do think there is too much secrecy in the US government.
But obviously some things need to be protected.
Good movie. Slow.


I have no idea whatever the hell it was she leaked

What she leaked was an article that explains how the RUSSIANS interfered with the 2016 election.

And it also reveals how the RUSSIANS were also given the very PERSONAL and PRIVATE information contained in our VOTER REGISTRATION rolls (which also contains your name, address, DOB, etc. ... which can also be used for IDENTITY THEFT ... as well as having someone else showing up to VOTE using your name and identity).

Therefore, if you also show up to VOTE, and someone else also votes using your name, then you could also be ARRESTED for a crime that you didn't even commit.

So WHY should that kind of information be considered TOP SECRET and have been WITHELD from the rest of us???

That's the question that's never addressed or answered.

In other words, it also looks like she's arrested and serves time for doing the RIGHT THING by warning the rest of us about what was happening to us.



When I hear stuff like this I think that it's the US government that did it, and that is why it was classified - so people didn't look at it closely or check into it too much. We love to blame stuff on the Russians.

If we cared about security the government would not be using PCs, or at least with the Window's Operating System that allows and email to activate a program that can threaten the system. Windows has been a security threat since it came out.

Glad I have a Mac.

What I did not realize was that it was one document.


What's weird is how the DIRECTOR of the FBI also held a news conference about 9 days before the election where he gave the FALSE impression that Hillary had been involved with someone who'd done something wrong which also turned out to be BS.

So WHY would he do that that unless he was hoping what he said would result in her losing the election? And then if he's willing to tell the press BS like that, one also wonders what else he'd be willing to do, which also leads back to the question you've asked (about if someone in the US GOVT handed over our VOTER REGISTRATION info to the RUSSIANS).

But since FB was also full of FAKE accounts that were started by RUSSIANS pretending to be Americans, there's also good reason to blame them for what they did to try and see that HILLARY didn't win the election.

What's also strange is how later on the FBI guy who attacks Hillary's character was also FIRED by the guy that he helped get elected.

So the IRONY of that happening also makes one think what they say about KARMA could have some validity, due to the way the FBI guy who attacks Hillary then got attacked??? He was also forbidden to take the Government plane back home again and had to pay his own way after he was fired from his job.

So what happens to this other person now that she's a convicted criminal? What kind of a job can she get once she's out of prison??? It's probably also highly unlikely she'd ever get a security clearance again. Which would also rule out her working at her old job again.


This shit is just liberal propaganda. It was proven that the Russian conclusion was noting but a democrat narrative
