buzzlightbeer's Replies

lol i really don't give a fuck lol pitiful response. exactly. you made me curious so i went and looked at his twitter and i don't see anything odd at all. my suspicion is you came here to deliberately fade the man. lol lol thx LMAO awesome. they were all hot. that is a great point. I never thought about connecting mk ultra to this but yeah it makes sense. btw did you see 'the octopus murders' on netflix? good stuff. (4 part series) great info. Thanks. Same as the OP. I bailed on it already. What a terrible addition to the first three seasons. Agreed I think so, yes. Mostly Irish if I recall correctly. He talked about all that in the first chapter of his 1988 book 'The secret of inner strength' half cherokee. he's from oklahoma originally. Me too. Absolutely riveted. Havent seen something this fascinating in a long time. Great stuff. Thx. I will check them out. I am done with ep 1 and 2 so far. I plan to dig into wiki pages after i complete the series. (Which will probably be today, lol. Im hooked!) it was a hoax from the start. ad hom. nice