MovieChat Forums > The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Discussion > Michael B Jordan to star in remake

Michael B Jordan to star in remake

beauty freedom love truth


This looks awful.

First Michael is a very talented young actor but Thomas Crown is not a role for him. It needs an actor with more charisma and screen presence it needs someone a little more seasoned he is way too young to play Thomas Crown.

Second: I don't know what else could be brought to the Table everything which had room for improvement the first time, it was done in the 1999 version.
Both films are fantastic and I don't think this will be able to compete with the two previous versions which were pure magic and there were fireworks when we saw Steve McQueen with Faye Dunaway and Pierce Brosnan with Rene Russo.

there is no need for another remake but if they insist on trying i would suggest someone very different to Michael B Jordan.

Thomas Crown : Henry Cavil, Chris Hemsworth or Christian Bale
Catherine: Rachel Mc Adams, Margot Robbie or Alicia Vikander

But like I said a second remake is not needed if you look for something more Hollywood classic there is the beautiful and very stylish 60s version
and if you prefer something more updated then you have the super Sexy and fun 90s version


I probably should've left my comment here rather than in the comments section of the article in that link. But I'll just reiterate for the sake of this thread anyways.

I think Michael B Jordan is just too young. Steve McQueen was 38 years old in the original Thomas Crown Affair, and Pierce Brosnan was 46 in the 1999 remake. Michael B Jordan is only 29 years old. How many 29 year old billionaires portrayed in movies have fulfilled convincing roles? I can't think of many. His age has to fit the story or the plot seems lazy from the start. I don't want to hear a throwaway line 15 minutes into the flick like "wow Crown you must be the hardest working prodigy businessman on Wall Street."

At the moment I can only imagine a couple scenarios where a younger Crown might actually feel right:

1) He's a Mark Zuckerberg type and invents a social media platform or app that blows up. He uses his computer prowess to assist in his heist. Obviously it can't be entirely via the computer though because Crown's an adventurous character and he needs to play cat and mouse with the girl.


2) A sort of prequel of either of the previous movies. Pierce Brosnan's Crown was 10 years older than Steve McQueen's, and maybe that explains why Brosnan's character just seems more all-around elegant to me, even his heist. Thomas Crown's character should be elegant, but being a decade *younger* than McQueen gives MB Jordan's Crown the leeway to be a little riskier and a little less elegant. And maybe a little less rich, if the story calls for it.

Just my thoughts! Any feedback would be cool.


I completely agree with you.

Thomas Crown shouldn't be young he is a man of experience and has worked for a long time to earn his wealth and like you said how many young actors can pull off the sophistication of Thomas Crown?
My answer almost non, yes there are many handsome actors but very few with natural elegnace and Charisma of Pierce and McQueen.

Not even older actors have managed to make character like Crown the way Pierce pulled that off the most recent example Peter Kraws in The Catch and long time ago Chris Noth in Sex and The city.
He is not a theif but he wasn't believable as a charming and cool buisness man Carry was swooning over him. He just wasnt belivable as Big and you don't root for him to get the girl just like i did for Thomas persuing and trying to get Catherine.


Hmm why are they remaking it again I wonder



Five Plus years later and it's not made. Odds are it won't be, and if it ever were, no one attached to it in 2015 would still be on board now.


What a tragedy this was never released. The way they walked out of Walmart arms full of clothes and tvs “to feed their starving families” was a heist on the level of the Clooney/Pitt OE/Brosnan’s TCA.




