Biggs111Mr's Replies

Yea I kinda thought so to when I saw this. To me Doug had mommy issues so he felt he had to force stuff with the girl. But yea for the script they should've just ran into each other washing clothes not Doug just sitting in there watching her. Feels contrived u know. Um...because Leroy was afraid of him & knew he couldn't get out of it with so much on the line to save the girl. Leroy wasn't really ready for that fight yet. He met his match with the Shogun. Just watched it again & still confused. I feel like somethings wrong. I really like it u know & it's very mysterious & a little weird & stuff but some things just don't add up! The detective takes the money after he kills Marty, ok, he should just get the heck out of dodge but he keeps hanging around & then decides to go ahead with killing the wife & boyfriend now? I notice the boyfriend kept on rambling & the wife was starting to get so scared & stuff like they knew the detective is gonna kill them. How did they know? I also couldn't understand why the detective lifted the window from behind the room. Huh? Why? It's a good & interesting movie but not enough talk to really get it u know. Do I watch it again or can someone explain some of the stuff? Okay I'll take another look at it tonight since I don't work or anything & then I'll come back. I'm not seeing it either nope! Don't wanna see it nope! They got a lot of nerve pushing 3 hours on this with a good & hopeful chance of failure. Yep sounds about right. Billy did kill Tatum while Stu hosted the party but it look like Stu did most of the killings to prove himself. It just got kinda hard to tell it apart at times on who was who right? It was like this also in Part 2 when the killer went after Dewey & Gale at the school. Couldn't tell who it was at times but it was obvious Billy's mother killed Randy while Mickey was on the phone & then it was Mickey that killed those 2 cops in the car because he hit his head on the steering wheel & we saw a bruise in the same spot at the school later. It was obvious it was the mother that killed Cece also. They take turns & stuff. Uh...the girl was probably killed by Stu and the boyfriend who knows? But it's obvious both killers were together at the house. Uh...I kinda think they took turns. The same in the sequels. I feel so jealous never seeing the first 3 back then. Damn it I only saw them on cable years later & could tell they were shockers. I got to see Part 4 at the theater 10 years ago & there was no audience reaction at all. Same again with Part 5. Everyone knows what to expect now I guess. Um I think the Joker had only about 20 or so minutes of screen time in the sequel. He was supposed to return for the trilogy but we all know why. The Scarecrow had about 15 or so minutes in the original then only 2-3 minutes for the rest of the series which was ridiculous to me. It also was lame that the Joker never got mentioned in the last movie. How could they do that when the maniac cause almost all of that chaos alone?!? Um it's because he was dropped & to me that wasn't good u know. There's great great chance he got away! The Scarecrow is original & he was in the first Batman movie & he was a very important villain. They are supposed to show what happens to him not let us take guesses. The movie was already too long as it is so maybe that's why it wasn't covered. Hey I don't like the actress & am black & yea so what? Um..that can only work if the ghost face killer can't be killed & the mask can't come off. Good grief 4 times?! I saw the remake & it's nothing special at all. They always making movies like the remake but the original is so original & different. After first seeing it I was so sure the piano guy was the killer because he has the same exact sweater on but how can that be if his girlfriend killed him at the end & the killer kept calling anyways. Weird! No no no the movie is weird & so very interesting but nothing gets solved in it so I feel kind of cheated in ways. There are so many questions & no answers & I don't know why it's like that. Think about what exactly? Seems to me like the director wants to fool us & stuff but it sort of comes off annoying & weird though. Really appreciate your analysis of what happened in Part 2. Chozen should've won that fight & after I watched it again last night on the DVD it makes sense why he lost. It was still an upset to me & yea but I get it. Part 3 was awful & I really hated the new rules & all & it made things way too easy path for Danny to win.