DustyWolf's Replies

In Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3 Angela is played by Pamela Springsteen (sister of Bruce). In part 2, over a campfire the events of the first are told and it's said that Angela went ahead and had surgery to fully transition to a woman. In 2008's Return to Sleepaway Camp, the events of parts 2 and 3 are ignored and they talk about how Angela is really Peter and locked up in an insane asylum. There was an episode of Growing Pains (season 5, episode 25) titled Ben's Movie. In it youngest son Ben Seaver makes a camcorder shot film for school titled "The Horror". It's about all the baby aligators that parents flushed down the toilets coming back and seeking revenge. I don't remember any rattlesnakes or a desert but there is a homemade beach (sand in the Seaver's driveway) and another scene where Ben is running through the forest (just him running in place while his brother and sister hit him with branches). Hysterical episode actually. 1. Man Bites Dog (1992) 2. This Is Spinal Tap (1984) 3. Waiting for Guffman (1996) 4. Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) 5. American Movie (1999) 6. CB4 (1993) 7. Living in Oblivion (1995) 8. Fear of a Black Hat (1993) 9. The Last Broadcast (1998) Guess it's not for everyone but Monk also followed this format and was also successful. The fun (for me and I assume others) was watching the detectives needle their suspect. I haven't seen Poker Face yet but Columbo and Monk wouldn't have worked as whodunits because they zeroed in on their suspects (who thought they had performed the perfect murder) so quickly. Columbo's trademark move was to pretend to exit only to stop and say "Just one more thing" and then proceed to point out something that just didn't make sense to him. You could feel the suspect's growing frustration through the whole thing until finally landing on the single big mistake that proves his suspect's guilt. I'm a fan of whodunits as well but I'm such a fan of both Columbo and Monk that I'm looking forward to checking out Poker Face. Was it a full movie or perhaps an episode of an anthology series like Alfred Hitchcock Presents? Also one of my favorite episodes of MST3K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWs3zvz1z4 I might be Kill Theory - https://moviechat.org/tt0893532/Kill-Theory I could be wrong, god knows I was in 2016. And while I agree the economy is a big issue, I really believe the biggest mistake IMO that the Republicans made was they let themselves become the dog that caught the car. They chased overturning Roe V Wade for so long that it became a cornerstone of maintaining the Bible Belt states. And a lot of people in battleground states just ignored the issue because they didn't think there was a chance it would ever be overturned. But the youth vote is on fire at the moment and RvW perhaps more than any other issue has energized them and has them voting blue. Voters are fickle and lots can change but right now the midterms should've been a big wake up call for the Republicans. We all know it's a handful of states that decide the Presidency, and right now they're not on board with a lot of what the GOP is laying down. Going to be a bumpy next couple years. DeSantis would probably be smart to wait until 2028 to run. We know Trump will NEVER admit defeat, and if DeSantis wins the primary Trump will 100% say it was the result of voter fraud. There are too many MAGA faithful out there that would reject DeSantis on that alone. He's still young and if he waits til 2028, Trump will likely be a non-issue by then. A LOT could happen in the next two years but with the current course I see Biden being re-elected. Young people turned out in the mid-terms in crazy numbers and they are largely rejecting Trump in the battleground states. On the flip side if DeSantis gets the nom, Trump will cry fraud costing DeSantis too many votes from the MAGA peeps in the battleground states. I vote democrat across the board these days so I personally hope it does play out like this but setting aside my own preferences, I honestly don't see a Republican winning in 2024 for these reasons. IMO DeSantis has a real dilemma on his hands. If he runs in 2024 and is taken down by the MAGA faithful, his political stock may drop and between 2024 and 2028 Trump would continuously call him a loser and claim he would've easily beat Biden had the party given him the nom instead of stealing it (because he'll cry fraud). But if he decides to wait until 2028 he might avoid all that negativity from Trump but could be leaving the door open for a new rising star in the GOP to steal his thunder. I still think he'd be better off to show some patience and wait but it is a tough call. Either way the GOP has some harsh realities to face. Young people in battleground states are voting for dems. And a lot of GOP voters are older with more dying every day. How many GOP voters will be lost by 2028? Without question it will be more than Dem voters. Add to that the number of voters who will be turning voting age by 2028 (and even 2024 for that matter) and the GOP needs to seriously rethink their strategy. <blockquote>Maybe the Johnny Depp was closer to the story but not at the end where he says he doesn't want his family there and goes off to find Christopher Walken (hope I spelled it right). </blockquote> You definitely misspelled Lee ;) A couple horror movies that involve young adults in a mall after hours: "Chopping Mall" and "Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge". I know the later had a pervy security guard, can't remember specifically about Chopping Mall though. <blockquote>I have trouble understanding Gus’s motivations</blockquote> That's what always baffled me about Gus; what was it all about to him? For all the money he made he seemed to live a rather low-key life with little luxury which honestly seems far below what would be the case if he was just the owner of a successful chain of fast food chicken restaurants. 1. Korg: 70,000 B.C. (1974) 2. 10,000 BC (2008) 3. Quest for Fire (1981) 4. Land Before Time (1988) 5. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - the "Dawn of Mankind" prologue sequence 6. The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986) When Better Call Saul began, I just assumed Kim must die because she's never mentioned in Breaking Bad. But as the show progressed my view on this changed. One thing we have to remember is that in Breaking Bad, we for the most part only see Saul through the eyes of Walt and Jesse. And they're his clients, not his friends so having no discussion about Saul's personal life isn't all that unusual. My guess is that all the black and white "Gene" vignettes that we've seen bookending the seasons are building to some sort of post-Breaking Bad closure for the Jimmy/Kim relationship. Whether that closure will be good or devastating I really don't know. The amazing thing about this show is that they've presented characters that aren't particularly deserving of a happy ending, but they have fans (at least this fan) hoping for it anyway. Well it's established he already had one fake identity set up, it's not much of a leap to think he had others established as well. As far as unlimited resources, the cartel has endless money and even though him being alive is largely a secret, those he trusts know he's alive and could set him up with whatever he needs. What about the people who die having never even heard of J.C.? 1) Karate Kid III (1989) – Mike Barnes Mustang GT did not come out until two years after the movie was set. 2) Back to the Future (1985) - At the 1955 high school dance, Marty McFly performs on a guitar he borrowed from the band. It's a Gibson ES-345, which wasn't produced until 1958. 3) The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - The final poster, Raquel Welch in One Million Years B.C., probably didn't exist, or at least wasn't available for sale, yet. 4) Battle of the Bulge (1965) - M47 Patton Tank - in fact just about any war film of the time when they just used whatever army surplus tanks were lying around. 5) True Grit (1969) Ned Pepper has a Winchester Model 1894 rifle which was produced fourteen years after the movie is set. 6) Driving Miss Daisy (1990) - When Hogue is driving through town several houses can be seen with modern skylights on them. 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - The scene of the flying plane superimposed over the world map shows Thailand. The country was known as Siam in 1936 (when the story takes place); the name became Thailand in 1939. 8) Braveheart (1995) - A white car can be seen in the back of a battle scene. https://i.insider.com/5ce3fc8b93a1522a7a62add7?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp 9) Porky's Revenge (1985) The graduation scene features an American flag with 50 stars despite the film taking place in 1955 when there would've only been 48 stars. It's from the movie that was supposed to make a leading man out of Hulk Hogan, "No Holds Barred". The big red neck looking man was played by pro-wrestler Stan Hansen. David Paymer and Charles Levin played network executives Unger and Ordway who were peeing and making cracks about the people there when they realized they were overheard by Stan Hansen who was in the stall. That's when he comes up to presumably beat them up before taking a look a their manhood, delivering that line and saying it wouldn't be worth his time. <blockquote>but oh, wait a minute, that requires effort. We don't want to exert ourselves now, do we?</blockquote> I know I don't.