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Movie search

Please can someone help me find out this movies name? So, there's a couple, where the ladie's bf/husband is talking loudly and a man who know's the couple overhears it. The man's not talking to his companion though, but to someone who's in collaboration with him. The man who overhears it is I think some type of criminal and he goes outside to warn the lady friend that her bf/husband is planning to have her killed. He was in the basement or somewhere discreetly hiding. But after he hears the mans conversation he aborted his criminal endeavor in hopes of saving her. The lady I think ignores his advice, and proceeds into the house. Where her bf, is talking on the telephone. But in what seemed like a hasty panic (bf, wasn't expecting her to show up) abruptly ends the call. But he said the person's name out as if to make it seem he was talking with another woman who was a friend of the couples. And that's the catch, see the woman who he tried to make it seem he was talking with the lady knew was dead. She stumbled upon her lifeless body somewhere else. So as soon as she heard her bf say that name, she knew he was infact up to something malevolent, and that the man was likely telling her the truth. That's the meat and potatoes of it I think. It was just such a strange scenario in a movie, I can't help but wonder what movie this was in. Does this sound at all familiar?


Do you have an idea in which decade the movie was filmed?


My guess is either the 90's or 2000's. I didn't see it all and would like to. It did intrigue me what I saw.


Was it a full movie or perhaps an episode of an anthology series like Alfred Hitchcock Presents?


I think it was a movie from either the 90's or 2000's. I'm sure it wasn't an Alfred Hitchcock, too much color lol. The lady I was talking about who was warned, had earlier accidently found her friends lifeless body. But for some reason didn't report it to police or anyone. At least I suspect that. My memories a little vague as this was a long time ago. But she knew there was no way her bf would have known this and went back to her place. And after entering the house against the other man's advice knew her bf was lying in trying to make it seem like he was having a phone conversation with her dead friend.


Interesting. Reminds me somewhat of 'A Perfect Murder' (1998), but I haven't seen that film in years and prolly not the film you're searching for. I'll keep your OP top of mind.

EDIT: Could it be, 'What Lies Beneath' (2000)? I know it doesn't fit all of your descriptions, but memory works mysteriously. Hope this helps you think more about the film you're searching for with more scenes and actors' faces/names.


No, I'm sure it's neither of those movies. I can't recall any of the actors in it. So I suspect it may not have had any big name actors, but I could be wrong.


No idea but I like the sound of it.
