MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Single movie quote to find a movie

Single movie quote to find a movie

So recently i got into a discussion about movies with a friend and then my father. We all know this one particular movie quote but we cannot name the movie it came from or any of the actors in it. Just keep forgetting the rest but the quote is a hilarious part of the movie and i cannot for the life of me solve this problem So i am reaching out to you all here.

The Quote.

"Well looky there, its a tiny weenie. Oh looky there! theres another one!"

The scene as i remember invovles this large red neck looking man in a restroom. two men in suits take the adjacent urinals next to the man and the man then looks over at one and the quote goes as such above. I for the life of me cannot remember the name of this movie and i am hoping you all here can help me. it is driving me nuts!.

Thank you for your time.


It's from the movie that was supposed to make a leading man out of Hulk Hogan, "No Holds Barred". The big red neck looking man was played by pro-wrestler Stan Hansen. David Paymer and Charles Levin played network executives Unger and Ordway who were peeing and making cracks about the people there when they realized they were overheard by Stan Hansen who was in the stall. That's when he comes up to presumably beat them up before taking a look a their manhood, delivering that line and saying it wouldn't be worth his time.
