OuterSpace's Replies

Even that doesn't make sense since this movie takes place immediately after Rocky IV which itself took place immediately after Rocky III. So when it comes endorsements and such the situation shouldn't have changed. =S Schwarzenegger was funny and successful with comedy in both Twins and Kindergarten Cop. Unfortunately all the comedies he made after those were junk. Stallone seems to be a pretty funny guy in real life but yeah, he's never been successful when it comes to comedy movies. Although it's too early to say for sure, they may not have that problem as other Doc Ock it appears like the villains are there as obstacles and aren't getting lengthy backstories or time focusing on their motivations or character. The 2009 game is supposed to be canon but being that videogames tend to have a sub-status, it could very easily become retconned by any new movie or official media. Trashing the movie for ideological reasons is stupid but a lot of these seem to be taking issue with the story being a weak quasi-rehash filled with empty nostalgia bait. Based on the trailers I can definitely see truth in that though I will see the movie to find out for myself. IMAX Theater Great experience. Too bad the entire movie wasn't shot for IMAX. Yet in Rocky 3 Mickey's grave says it's still 1981. Then in Rocky 4 his licence plate says 1986, which is a good deal after Rocky 3 despite that movie taking place soon after. And then his son magically aged several years between Rocky 4 and 5 and at least one newspaper in Rocky 5 says 1990. It's a goofy timeline. None, China has basically rejected this movie and it may never release there. So basically wanted to move forward in life and not revisit a part of their past they were done with. Makes sense as that's how you end up with stuff like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Not at all. Unless word of mouth is really strong I'll just wait until it's free to stream or something. Lock Up, easily. Better made, better characters, good pacing and becomes completely ridiculous in a fun way. Escape Plan was surprisingly awful and had a very straight to video feel. Heck, the prison sequence in Tango and Cash is better than the entire movie that is Escape Plan. Nah no one in my theater laughed at any of the scenes where he sees his mother. The biggest laugh in my theater was the Rick Flag rescue scene. Both during and for the punchline. No, the one he promoted to Admiral was Admiral Piett, who you still see at the end of the movie(Empire) and doesn't die until Vader's flagship crashes in Jedi. Captain Needa was a different character.