MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

Stop with these posts. Interesting. The music was great. NYC is already worse in real life than it was in the first movie! Correct answer. You sound literate! I know. People are are intentionally dense and stupid, or just naturally stupid. It certainly belittles the suffering of those who lived when actual nazis walked the earth. I didn't agree with that. Some simple reading skills should have made that obvious. Guess you haven't mastered your own anger. There's always one... I hate it when people call soccer football! Pieces: "It's exactly what you think it is" Wow, a lot of trouble to go through for a rather piss poor movie. Profound response. You should write fortune cookie messages for a living. I'm not a liberal. Nor am I a conservative. I am, however, old enough to listen to others and consider other points of view. There could be something to that today. Might have more to do with parents not being allowed to discipline their own children. The state raises children nowadays through schools and media. There were two dudes in my elementary school when I was a kid who played with the girls on the playground (skipping rope, jacks, etc.) and who slapped instead of punched when pushed to fight another boy. Both grew up to be gay. People are born that way, just like some people are born with large ears or taller or shorter than average. Just a roll of the genetic dice. Have you seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? NOBODY would send Dr. Phil to the cornfield??? And now it looks as though liberalism is dead. It's a fight between communism and fascism and neither result is going to be good for the common person.