MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

Is there such a thing as a democrat who ISN'T racist? They did. They convinced Millennials and Zoomers that anyone who doesn't agree with the mimbos on CNN is a nazi! 70 years ago, your comment would have been valid. Good God are you stupid! I don't mind this as long as the films aren't censored. I do think it's odd that, after several generations capable of looking at older films within their historical context, our culture suddenly feels as though we're too stupid to handle this basic intellectual negotiation. Good point. Actually, the numbers line up, per capita, per "race," i.e., there's a proportionate number within each "race" (I would not be surprised, however, if in each case, the number of male serial killers greatly outnumbered the female serial killers; men just like to kill...). Stop remaking movies that don't need to be remade. There is NO reason to remake Silent Night, Deadly Night. If the young generation can't watch an older movie without pining for a character in the movie to have a fucking cell phone or something, they don't have the sense to appreciate movies in the first place. So then, it was a progressive shark? She looks like she's trying to start a lawnmower. Please provide evidence supporting this. Please, no. "offending the fragile sensibilities of white supremacist" Difficult to believe anyone could write such a stupid sentence without blushing. Looks like that degree in Women's Studies is paying off! I heard they used to have great casinos down there! Projection 👆 It's not made for a three-second attention span, that's for sure. Sure... You must be one of them...