horroreporter's Replies

@Vegan, I was referring to Walking Dead Beyond as a main stream TV show "It's terrible to explain to our children in the great Christianity, but i guess i am homophobic for speaking the truth of traditional lives we once lived" - so do you also want any scenes where characters eat shellfish removed? Or where characters wear mixed fibers? How about when a female character is a teacher? Shellfish and homosexuality are two different things. Again what does a female character being a teacher have anything to do with homosexuality on TV shows to explain to our children? You're not a good gay representative in a debate. "if i want to watch two women do it, i'm going to watch porn" - wait... I thought you were Christian? But you get off watching girl-on-girl porn? Masturbation is also a sin, no? So either you're trying to hide your prejudices behind a vail of religion, or you're a massive hypocrite. Which is it? Girl with girls has always been tradition. I don't masturbate, thanks. I only watch for story lines. @ Evil we need to populate our country, doing so is not influence our youth in gay culture in films. Like I said, what would you tell your little 5 year old brother, Jimmy if he saw two guys making out on film? The gay explicit sexual innuendo does not belong on film unless the film is about homosexuality. It's hard enough to sit through Ryan Murphy American Horror episodes. If you don't like the news, change the channel. I have always backed up my resources. Well it is serious, do you think its fair for an Enormous Transgender beating up women in Wrassling? Of course the Transgender has the advantage. "Tell me, is it OK to continually make up LIES about non-existent writers named Damien Cain on various Halloween boards for years on end?" I am just a horror reporter, I report news. Can't wait for his reboot on the series. No more nursing home Michael and Laurie. "It is fine to be gay - and I'm betting you had no objections to the explicit girl-on-girl scenes in Wrong Turn 4. All we had in the new one is guys holding hands a couple of times - GASP!" Girl on Girl scenes are adorable, but that is in porn not films, my friend. When I watch a movie i want to watch a story, if i want to watch two women do it, i'm going to watch porn. That's why I say, the homosexuality and Transgender needs to be filtered out of films and popular tv series. I felt dirty after watching American Beauty If Mickey Rourke could get nominated for an Oscar for The Wrestler so can she. Schlinder Fists sounds like a Lesbian Porn name, i'm in. Should be called The Village part 2 It's not Will if she offered herself, New laws in foundation community. so in fairness, its the promoters fault to keep revenue? Don't get me started with Walking Dead Beyond with the lead actor being homosexual which ruined the series for me literally because it leaves a bad taste in children's mouths who were fan favorite of Felix's character with that shock value that happened. It's not good to confuse our children of another man kissing another man or a scene of them in bed and have to explain this to our children. Now little Peter, you see, there comes a time and era in this crap society through 90s and now 2000s where gay is now A OK and you can get married also with the same sex and also be a major star in a sitcom, tv series or film and be ok with it. Ellen Degenerous came open as a lesbian in her tv sitcom and lost ratings and the show was canceled. "but daddy, how do they have babies" well little Peter, they have to adopt. It's terrible to explain to our children in the great Christianity, but i guess i am homophobic for speaking the truth of traditional lives we once lived. Sorry homosexuality and transgender should stay out of films, traditionally it just causes confusion. Just like in Wrestling, there is a transgender in AEW who is in the womens division. How is that fair? ha The Village part 2 I thought it was called The Village part 2. the whole show should have been canceled and people refunded now you are contradicting yourself. Yeah GNR had no control of the venue sound system. Axl couldn't hear himself and the whole system was crap, why would you put on a bad show or risk damages to vocal cords? Sounds like you got a crappy band bro She is definitely in the dope show He was diagnosed as manic depressive and bi Polar, given power and fame which a mental ill individual is not used to will make you panic also he didn't enjoy being around other guys in the band who was doing drugs and was drunk all the time. Axl was a sober guy and Izzy at times. He actually seeked help. HE was molested apparently and abused my step dad, but it was his step dad who got him to go to church and learn piano and sang gospel for his vocal range. Metallica show, the equipment was not up to par, you cannot sing and not hear yourself or the music to keep timing, nothing they could do unless they delayed more time. St Louis--no cameras allowed, security did not make proper checks. During the whole Axl and new guns, he seeked self medicated therapy and surrounded himself with spirtual people which is why he needed to make amends with Slash and Duff and save the Guns n Roses legacy which he has and a new album will be coming out this year. Go watch the documentary “Axl Rose: Guns N’ Roses Frontman” on REEELZ tv or youtube if its available, very interesting. How is he going to survive the street fight against Team TAZ?