MovieChat Forums > Michigander

Michigander (86)


In and Out Should do a movie with Tom Green Never needed any sequels or prequels. What Games/Traps Would you like to see? If Gordon killed Adam on time Would have made a good Two Face If Ursula married Eric Highly Recommend The Raid King Leopold the Second inspired book Ethel Hubbard actress died View all posts >


To be shocked. Cannibal Holocaust, very gritty atmosphere. Agreed, the Nazis were much cooler. That's the problem with this movie for fans it is too mediocre and bland. Yes it could have been worse but it still could have been much better and more epic. You have two iconic slashers coming together and most of the movie is bland until the end fight. Totally agree there really was no need for a sequel anyways. I agree that it is too over the top with the silliness. It was too much like the 3 Stooges which I know Sam Raimi is a fan of. I would have preferred if it kept the tone of Evil Dead 2 which was a nice blend of horror and dark humor. Army Of Darkness was the most mainstream of the trilogy. I want to know how he was able to communicate without the agents trying to kill him instantly. Even if he was able to go into and out of the Matrix himself wouldn't the agents still try to kill him like everyone else? They automatically detect them as a threat. you hit the nail on the head spurtle It should have been that's for dang sure. It is just a movie, the T-1000 is designed to complete its mission which was to kill John Connor, it really only kills when it has to maybe the T-1000 was programmed that way, only kill when really necessary and hide and blend more. It is a much sneakier terminator than the T-800 model. View all replies >