How did Richie know?

When Matthew Bevilacqua (Drinkwater) and his homie Sean Gismonte shot Christopher, and Matty went running to Richie for protection he was out of breath and wearing the same clothes, so I imagine he ran immediately to Richie's after the shooting and not much time had passed.

When he barged in and asked Richie if he knew what happened to Christopher, Richie said he'd heard already.

I know that obviously telephones existed in that day and age, but realistically how the hell did Ritchie find out so quickly? He's hardly close to Christopher, and he's not his captain or relative. I'd imagine in the chaos of phone calls that likely began once word of the shooting made it's way to the Soprano Family, Richie would be pretty far down the list of people to inform.

So how the hell did he find out all about it before Matthew made it to his social club? That question always bothered me a bit whenever I saw that scene.


There's no real answer here of course, we just have to assume that word-of-mouth and the telephone game (like Adriana blowing Tony) took place pretty quickly. Richie was a capo with a huge crew of guys, so you would think if any of them happened to hear, their first call would be to Richie.


Very good point, the Ade and Tony thing spread so quickly, and yeah that actually makes a lot of sense that all it really takes is for one of Richie's crew members to hear and their captain would probably be the first person they'd spread the word to.

I'm happy to see it that way next time I watch that scene and maybe it'll stop bothering me lol. Thanks.


we don't know how quickly it was, just because he came running and out of breath doesn't mean he came directly from shooting chris, one scene endling and another one starting doesn't have a specifc time frame on tv shows, it could have took him 20, 30 minutes or even an hour to get to ritchie.

But like the other reply says, if the nephew of the boss of new jersey gets shot like that and left for dead, it's making the rounds pretty quick. not only by his crew, but by other mobsters and even cops on the take.
