cbsteven's Replies

People don't sometimes. She was probably busy with academia while he was busy with architecture. Maybe they let each other get on with their own things. She was angry. That's why? This was the early/mid 70s, where janitors and handymen could be a lot less PC. Everyone admitted the matron was overly strict on the nurses. Men tended to be in positions of power then, and were trying to control/cover up a serious abuse scandal. The abusers/rapists were there as the basis for the plot. Not much of a film without them. The janitor said himself that he could mess around on the night shift, and how many staff would ever see his room with the polaroids? The female characters weren't thick. Look at how life was in the 70s, rather than approaching this as a generic horror/chiller with a feminist agenda. She couldn't remember anything from the accident, but it had allowed the demon in. I don't think it was meant to represent nothingness, rather than that was what she remembered, and what her husband hoped would return after killing himself. It began as the classic ghost story, then allowed the supernatural elements to take over. Glad it didn't turn into a gore/cliche ending. I watched it last night and liked it. Why didn't you? 'Full on bad' is a rather harsh opinion. ...or does she consider amnesia as a reason for what happened with her sister, rather than it being implied as fact? So much of the second half seems left to the imagination. They were serious mobsters/gangsters who weren't afraid to use violence, and needed to silence everyone who knew about the robbery scheme. The violence seems worse as it often appears out of nowhere. The Driver knew what the guy in the lift was there for, so had to finish him off. As for Blanche, I imagine that's what a shotgun would do at close range. You might like Crockett. Also check out the New Retro Wave and Electronic Gems labels/channels. Looks like you know a few of their artists already. Right. This is where their relationship ends - and they know they're both in danger. Indeed it is. A great exercise in editing and pacing. 'Worse movie'? I guess you haven't seen many movies. Maybe there was funding to film there, so that's where they went. Or the producers just liked the look of certain locations. It's one of those films that has/needs no reference to any real place. I wouldn't take it as a slight against Scots. No money was exchanged. Derek wasn't actually in the Mafia, and some of the gang were surprised that no 'arrangement' was ever discussed. How did you first get to know them? There was a lot implied between them, which only they knew/know. Then Lisa appeared so Bobby grew jealous. According to the book, juries would go easy on women, so they didn't get death. The judge knew this, so gave Lisa a much longer sentence than second degree usually carried. She said stop. He didn't. Exactly. There were so many ways he could walk away from Bobby. He just got so used to the violence from their steroid abuse. This is how it was in the book. Donny especially was on dope and acid throughout, and the rest weren't far behind. They just decided to go along with the plan for something to do. Intentional or otherwise, the film shown the ridiculousness of what happened. Not sure if you've read the book, but I think it was the planning and brutality of the killing, and how half the group just went along for the ride. Killing someone just for something to do. Regardless of what Bobby had done to some of them, it was judged as premeditated first-degree murder, in a state that had the death penalty.