MovieChat Forums > The Power (2021) Discussion > Is this the sort of film we can expect w...

Is this the sort of film we can expect with the proliferation of female writers/directors?

Every single male in this film was a POS/negatively portrayed

The handsy janitor? in the lift.
The young janitor with his wall of nurse Polaroids and obvious rapey vibes
The doctors in general chatting amongst themselves when clearly someone was waiting on them. And how nurses were instructed and expected to not even talk to the doctors as they are so far above them.
The abuser of the main nurse character at the home
The men that forced the nurse to say she was lying about her abuse to cover it up
Obviously the main Dr. Glasses rapist

It was all a little bit pathetic. Quite sad really as it could have been a pretty decent film without being loaded with all the anti male stuff.

I wonder how well a film these days would fair if all the female characters were as thick as two short planks and only there for T&A...


Yep, to be honest though, male writers/directors often do the same thing. The agenda is quite far reaching.


How so?


Could you give some examples?


I don't watch anything newer than 2015 as a rule. Actually, anything past 2010 is iffy. There's too much politicizing in modern movies.


This was the early/mid 70s, where janitors and handymen could be a lot less PC.
Everyone admitted the matron was overly strict on the nurses.
Men tended to be in positions of power then, and were trying to control/cover up a serious abuse scandal.
The abusers/rapists were there as the basis for the plot. Not much of a film without them.
The janitor said himself that he could mess around on the night shift, and how many staff would ever see his room with the polaroids?
The female characters weren't thick.
Look at how life was in the 70s, rather than approaching this as a generic horror/chiller with a feminist agenda.


I missed the 70s thankfully but I suppose I would be interested on the opinion of those who lived it to compare to this film.
