MovieChat Forums > pjl69 > Replies

pjl69's Replies

It's nice that he makes those concert pieces and I like them, but he seems to follow always the same formula. And I also like how he produced his soundtrack albums to be pleasant listening experience. I like complete soundtrack albums, but not a fan of rigid chronological order of tracks. Soundtrack album is and should be a separate piece of art. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Yep, some people just need 20 years to realize that. I think it had too much of typical Spielberg's adventurous humour. Needed to be 100% serious, now it was only 90% or maybe 95%. That's why I like Munich more. It was almost 100% serious, didn't offer easy solutions or answers to difficult questions. It was more complex than Schindler's List in which we all knew who the bad guys were. Tootsie and The Goonies. That's probably all that I know from him. Probably would have required a large scale production and budget. I think They Live ended just fine the way it was, and left rest to the imagination of a viewer. Very good FU to the establishment ending. Carpenter's career took a nosedive after They Live, maybe it was seen too "unamerican".... The Hateful Eight is Tarantino's best of his recent movies. Django maybe the worst. Well, it was shown on Finnish television yesterday. I don't know who owns the rights. Is it supposed to be streaming only? I tried to watch the film once, never bothered to finish it. And I love the JCS music. I prefer the 2000 stage show, which I have on DVD and blu-ray. This time it's all backwards. It's not a masterpiece, but I agree this one was worth several rewatches. I especially liked the story took place in the 70's during the Vietnam war. The cast of the original Dune (1984) was an Aryan dream, so what else can you expect. Yeah, Virginia Madsen was a goddes in Dune '84. I could have just watch her narrating the whole story in a close-up. I think it's the second best King movie after Cronenberg's The Dead Zone. It's a bit funny that I tend to like more drama oriented movies from King, like these two. She was fortunate to be in David Cronenberg's best movie with Christopher Walken. Happy birthday, mr Williams. He was the biggest single reason why I became a soundtrack collector and enthusiast over 40 years ago. Disney already owns The Twentieth Century Fox, so they have rights to do whatever they wish with Die Hard franchise. You ain't much of a Die Hard expert, Millsey. I'm in Finland, we don't censor movies on television. Why would a 2 hour movie take 4 hours to watch? I record it with my DVR and skip the ads. If half of the running time is ads, you guys are drowning in ads over there. I usually catch movies that interests me on blu-ray, but this Indy 5 doesn't interest me enough. That's what I've wondered also. It seems that scene didn't make sense. Well, we desperately try at least. We have a mandatory Swedish, which only 5% of the population speaks, but everybody has to study it from elementary school to university.