kukuxu's Posts

Civil War in Disney Star Wars: Kathleen Kennedy taking control over Mandalorian Naughty Dog fired 'Last of Us 2' testers for giving negative feedback to the 'diverse all-female' changes Chris Hemsworth’s Netflix Film Extraction Decried as Problematic, Islamophobic and Racist – Calls For People To Boycott United States is becoming more and more a shithole: the Flynn case Healthy activities to do while jogging? Why lockdowns are the WRONG policy against the coronavirus Should have a person the right to shoot a burglar that advances towards him? Trump's approval has risen again, the highest since February Naughty Dog has gone WOKE in the Last of Us 2 Was the Coronavirus released by American Deep State to damage Trump? Plot armor and plot weakness... why so prevalent in modern cinema? Facebook bans the Unz Review 5 Reasons Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Claims (Biden) Are More Credible Than Christine Blasey Ford’s (Kavanaugh) (Possible) conspiracy theory: was the coronavirus a biological attack? Publicity in the times of coronavirus: every ad is exactly the same Do you think this chick is hot? Coronavirus highest death toll per capita in different countries Doctors say farting spreads the coronavirus What's the most difficult character archetype to play?