MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Naughty Dog fired 'Last of Us 2' testers...

Naughty Dog fired 'Last of Us 2' testers for giving negative feedback to the 'diverse all-female' changes

During the development of The Last of Us 2, Naughty Dog converged and decided to go full woke. The game went all diversity female and trans*.

Last two months, Naughty Dog went nuclear and started to send copyright infringement to youtube channels or tweet accounts that criticized their adrift.

And here you have a new low: they fired testers because they gave negative feedback to the 'all-female' woke changes. So you have testers whose work is to provide honest feedback, and then you fire them for providing honest feedback... what could go wrong?.

So finally they had a bunch of testers that are paid to say they liked the game (no matter how shitty it is)... which is what they will say (so they can keep the job). Keep that in mind, since it's gonna be one of the reasons the game will be garbage.

*Of course, only the main characters. For some strange supernatural reason, diversity never reaches the minions and bad guys you kill. They keep being almost 100% white males. Mmmm....


Just a suggestion, but why not copy and paste your thread and put it on the 'The Last of Us: Part II (2020) Discussion Board', that way you'll double your chances of getting a thread going.


Has Naughty Dog ever put out a game that wasn't quality? The Last of Us was probably my favorite game ever and all the Uncharted games rock. Games that are "full woke" and "all diversity female and trans" are fine by me as long as the gameplay is tight and I've been looking forward to a sequel since before I even completed the first game so I will be buying this on its release date for sure.


Remember Mass Effect Andromeda?


Oh I never played that one. I'm not the most hardcore gamer but most of my favorites for PS3 and 4 were naughty dog games (plus loved Jax and Dexter on PS2 and Crash Bandicoot racing on PS1). If the game mechanics for Last of Us 2 remain largely the same I don't think I'll have any problems enjoying it. I've seen a lot of people online unhappy with stuff they heard but if they liked the first one as much as I did I don't get why they'd wouldn't give the second one a chance but to each their own.


It's the same story. A well known game studio made some really successful games, create a sequel, got woke, fired everyone who disagreed, censored critcisms, only a bunch of new and inexperienced programmers remained, released the unfinished bug ridden game and went broke.


Actually, the 'only a bunch of new and inexperienced programmers remained' is exactly what happened in Naughty Dog

In a nutshell, every lead artist of developer has quit. First they fired those who weren't woke enough... including Amy Hennig, who was the soul behind the Uncharted franchise and the first Last of Us, and the one that created the style associated to the company.

Then everything started to go to hell with Last of Us 2 and crunch was required. The higher the crunch, the more lead devs were leaving, the more inexperienced the remaining ones and (even) more crunch followed. Devs that left said they never saw anything remotely similar (and we're talking about an industry where crunch is the standard).

Right now, almost everyone that created the Uncharted franchise and the first Last of Us has quit.

It's not the company name what matters. It's the team. The people. Mass Effect Andromeda was shit because people that made the original trilogy had left. Naughty Dog is finished. The people who made it are not there anymore.


Well I'm obviously committed to playing it, don't care about the woke stuff but if the gameplay is bad that will be disappointing. I'll reserve judgment until I actually play it though.
