FilmBoy's Replies

Seems like he had some soft of lower mouthpiece in. I hated it. I fell asleep during the loudest action scenes - not sure how. And i have a loud sound system and it was cranked. Ya you can see his craft needs some work, but definitely potential there. It's a little TOO gay for me to say comfortably. I'm down for anything Nicholas Cage, even if it has Lovecraft in it. <see what I did there?> LOL has it been that long that people forget? I'm getting old. 43 min shows back then WERE 1 hour shows on network TV with commercials. TNG wouldve been something like Thursdays CBS 8-9pm Also what I mean is that back then, you weren't watching an 8 hour plotline. Each 1 hr had a beginning, middle and end which would have nothing to do with the next episode. And if you didn't like that episode, then you didn't have much skin in the game, only 1 hour. But these days, you could be 5 hours deep before you can make a judgement of WTF is this? I don't like it. But now you've wasted/invested 5 hours that you'll never get back. Sometimes you go on til the end but your instinct at that point is usually proven correct. I always cut-bait now. Like I did with Picard. Ya, he seems quite obsessive. Worked out for him tho. Lots of evidence. Ya, I bailed on ST:Discovery as well. Now that you mention! good thing anything i recommend is poison to them. Ya there were no loose ends for sure. I thought he was gonna torch the property afterwards too. Yeah, I was surpirised he didn't have much of a plan there. He didn't even see the guy spying of him. Noobie move. I think he meant just to cut her face up. I liked that movie.