FilmBoy's Replies

Well the pedo guy didn't get the camera feed. He got lit on fire instead. I like to think he died. Agreed. He doesn't come off as knowing a SIN from a TAN let alone being such a genius. He come's off as a doucebag, and I like him in other roles. Thx - just watched it. How can you even get the commentary anymore - do you have to buy the DVD or BRay? That's what I really miss about renting physical movies. 20 times?! I've never watched any movie more than 5 times. Casablanca and Lawrence of Arabia. Ya, I thought at least there would be a black box of some sort in the car. His emotion chip was set too high. Happened to Data in Star Trek too. A common occurrence. HAHA Will Smith ended up playing Aladdin in a movie. 16 yrs old now, and still a great movie. Just watched it in 3D on my PS4 VR Headset Colour me impressed. Are you crazy?! You watched Season One 7 TIMES?! I kept falling asleep too - for reals! Ya seems forced. Trying to be hip and cool. But really it just cheapens the show. Insult to injury is Diamond disarmed Mingo and shot him with his own gun Thx - read it. Think I'll pass on this one. Thx for the input. OP got OWNED! I knew it - thx A good way to go out. He only missed the last few episodes. Hmmm not sure if you meant it but he was on the tv show Billions?