LockardTheGOAT's Replies

Definitely Dewey from the Scream series. I don't know what the franchise would be without him. He's probably the most popular character after Sidney She's never been much of a Box Office draw on her own (to be fair, 99% of women aren't.) She's only a big success when she's acting with someone bigger and better than her (Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, etc.) Yeah man, I can relate You sound like the weird one lol Christian Bale is a pretty laid back cat, actually. This thread is funny, 'cause I always imagine trying to strike up a conversation with them in public, nevermind asking them for a picture or an autograph I'm almost there with you. Reserve a spot for me in the nutward lol That would actually make me laugh. Sometimes the world is so insane you just have to stand back and laugh No. Human interaction is normal and if they don't like that sort of attention, then they should stay out of the spotlight Hey, please respond to my thread on the Scream discussion board. I laid out the opening scene and who did what perfectly, would love to get your feedback Billy made the call to Casey, and Stu did the murders. Pretty obvious, really I hate not being able to go outside as much, but otherwise I love Winter. No snakes, no flies, no maggots, no mosquitoes, etc. I did, you're nowhere to be found on it Post your pic sometime Stratego, so that I can jerk off to you It's only natural when you get emotional about something Leo DiCaprio is the worst offender. Literally contributes worse to the environment than at least 95% of the population, yet goes around preaching about what we should all be doing to help fight climate change. No surprise he's a supporter of Greta's either. Nah, I don't get too invested in discussions like that. I save my harsh takes on things for the more serious topics. Public opinion is a toilet paper commercial. The majority of people are wrong the majority of the time. Try opening up a history book sometime and seeing that for yourself Obviously Maybe I meant 'Blunt' and just mixed up the words It's actually one of his best movies