LockardTheGOAT's Replies

They actually admitted on the director's commentary that they didn't put any thought into who was killing who or who was doing what in which scene (beyond the obvious, of course.) Definitely. The fact that they tell Sidney that same thing at the end ("If you get it wrong you die, and if you get it right, you die!") is aclear indication that they were planning to kill Casey no matter what. Netflix is a pretty big deal nowadays. More people will probably see it on Netflix than they would in theaters (especially with the pandemic going on.) There's room for both. Besides, Jennifer is co-headlining a movie alongside Leo at the moment and she's rumored to play someone in the MCU, I think she'll be just fine. This is just fans overthinking matters and finding things that aren't there. Wes Craven didn't direct it with any intentions on who was under the mask at what time Or like expecting Brad Pitt to do a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio... Derp derp I'd love to see them in a movie together Being too polite is a good problem to have lol Obviously it happened several months later as the trial proceeded, not right away He WAS scared shitless. Vincent Bugliosi (prosecutor) had to put his mind at ease by telling him Manson had already been there months earlier and knew by then that Terry no longer lived there, and that the murders had nothing to with him. Plenty of people at the ranch said the Helter Skelter thing was a myth. Even Susan Atkins said in her book that she was always under the impression that freeing Bobby from jail was the motive for the murders Actors take roles all the time that hit on very instinctive, primal fears (just think of ANY plot involving murder, or any that involves child abductions, kidnappings, or anything of the sort.) So come off it. People don't view fiction the same exact way they view reality. Don't fool yourself into thinking an actor would turn down such a role if they thought the script was good enough or were offered enough money to play it. You can literally say that about any new idea that gets put on the market. "Has no one really thought of this until now?" The answer is either no they haven't, or if anyone has it wasn't a screenwriter or a producer. And do you really think that if someone is crazy enough to want to kill a celebrity, that they wouldn't already be motivated to do so? Like, what could a movie do to make them see why killing a famous person is desireable, that they wouldn't already be able to figure out on their own? They would because it's all fiction. And Hollywood doesn't care about the risk of giving the "crazies" any ideas, if they did then a large majority of the movies they've released would have never seen the light of day. There's already been a million ideas put out that could have potentially motivated some psycho into doing something, but didn't. Yeah they would. It'd be an excellent crime drama/horror flick/whatever if done right lol Sounds like just the way Manson got his followers to do atrocious shit for him. Susan Atkins even wrote a book saying that that was exactly how Manson used to get 'em to do things - Always strongly hinting or suggesting something, but never directly ordering it. In what way? It'sa been years, but I remember Jaws 2 being pretty good. 3 & 4 were the only ones that suck. Disappointing end for sure. I'm happy for Poirier, but Conor, doe... I knew his time was probably near when he got hospitalized weeks ago with the virus. R.I.P