albertmar's Replies

I'm a fan of her image as Aunt Becky, but not a fan of her as a person so much. I can still suspend my disbelief while watching Full House. Lol! The winning teen who was stripped of $5,000 wasn't actually Lori's daughter. The teen who lost the money is actually the original winner. She lost her money unfairly because they forced her to reshoot and get the questions wrong. She had already won the money and they took it back. She won't have the same Aunt Becky image anymore, but she will get paid to do interviews, get a book deal and a reality show. She's going to cry on TV and people will feel sorry for this frail little blonde lol. They're going to make a movie about all the cheating parents involved and they're going to make ALL of these people look deep, and like complicated and tragic figures and romanticise all of the illegal things she did just like they did with The Bling Ring and Wolf of Wall Street. What's up with the wonky formatting options? The B in the bold shouldn't be showing. Oh well. Someone else posted a thread somewhere here that said that even though her daughter had her own successful youtube channel and her own sponsor deals, that wasn't high class enough for Lori who likely ONLY forced her daughter to go to college because Lori herself wanted to mix with old money circles and show off/stunt to her friends that "My child went to _____." Her mom was so wrong for this. There is nothing wrong with "new money" or making your own money. Isn't Roman Polankski on the run in another country somewhere? Most average people aren't really aware of the names of directors the way film buffs are, but actors are the face. Most people are just surprised Aunt Becky would do this lol. Pretty actresses are also considered disposable and easily replaceable in Hollywood compared to male directors. Hallmark is a channel that shows family movies with "lessons" in it and wholesome Christian movies with Cameron Candance Bure. Hallmark is not going to let Aunt Becky mess with their money. The 50 year old women that watch Hallmark are not going to find Lori endearing, they're going to have some choice words about her and the way she chose to raise her daughter. This is why I miss the old imdb boards, because you can tell women don't post on MovieChat. The old imdb boards would have been lit up after the scandal with older women who had accounts. There was variety with posts and not just 20 year old dudes who spend way too much time hanging out on alt-right extremist websites (I'm not talking about you btw). These brands have to worry about themselves, it's nothing personal. Lori is just one person that can easily be replaced by some other actress. Lori's daughter got dropped from a Tresemme deal and at the end of the day nobody owes you a shampoo deal. They only wanted her in the first place because they thought she had a good image. Brand promotions are completely image based so it makes sense to drop her. They're not gonna keep her around just because they pity her. Nah, I thought the original post was interesting. I hadn't considered that about Bad Teacher and Ghost in the Shell. That thread was a doozy. As for Lori's daughter, I only feel bad for her because her mental health will probably suffer but it's not necessarily the worst thing in the world to not have brand partnerships. Without her Amazon Prime deals and shampoo deals she's literally just average now. She would've been able to get a job in a big company right after graduation with a fake padded up resume. Now, without the Prime partnership she has to find jobs on her own without any advantage like most of her classmates who get told they need 5 to 10 years experience. I wonder what career she's going to pursue, whether she'll get tutoring and bulk up her grades, start over and choose a major or if she'll choose a different path. She could go to cosmetology school if she likes make up, get a job at a salon, lay low and collect a paycheck, save money and buy a house. I don't think she should view it as her life is over. She isn't dead, just normal. Maybe the celebrity perks are over, but not her whole life. I want to like her daughter because she's pretty and could have been a likeable celebrity if she pursued that full time before the scandal. But I don't think what she said about game days represents most young people at all. A lot, if not the majority of college students go to college because they HAVE to go or they get told their whole life they "have to" or they won't get a job. Whether that's completely true or not, that's the reason a lot of people end up going. People aren't taking out loans and debt for game days. I remember when Daniel Radcliffe was 18 he said in an interview "Some of my friends are just starting to go to college and are trying to figure out what they want for the rest of their life and I think it's so cool somebody would have that kind of freedom to say they don't know what they want to do yet, because I don't know what that feels like because I always have had this acting life set out for me." I just thought he couldn't be more wrong lol. A lot of his friends probably didn't view college as freedom but a TRAP and a weird system. They were probably nervous wrecks studying for SATs thinking they'd be poor for the rest of their life if they didn't go to college. It's actually freedom to say you were in the Harry Potter franchise and can CHOOSE whether or not you go to college or just retire at age 18, because at that point Emma Watson went to Brown just for fun and not because she had to for her career lol. If college is a joke and you don't care how the girl got in, then you shouldn't care how ANY one gets in, even people with afros :-| Not caring because you personally find her sexy, really? I mean, if it was Shia Labeouf would you feel the same way? One day, she will be a raisin, what then? I also think it's ridiculous she was found on a yacht owned by the USC chairman when the scandal broke. I view it as the daughter was doing whatever her mom told her to do. Of course if your parents tell you to do something, you just do it. I found that interview quite amusing, it didn't age well lol. The stupid thing is, she said she never pushes them but forcing her daughter to go to college to the extreme that she took it when they didn't even want to go IS pushy. Or maybe she regrets not pushing them enough as kids. She should've bought tutors with that kind of money. You also say the words "smart white" together like you think those adjectives naturally go together. I doubt you'd say "smart black" or "smart black kids" because you have a problem with dark skinned people in general and view all white people as naturally being good. Look dude, there's no point exalting white or pale people above all other people because they're not all automatically clever. If Lori were smart, she would've used her daughter's acting credits as an extracurricular activity for her college applications instead of ROWING. But Lori isn't clever even though she's pale and blonde lol. Decades of being brainwashed by Full House, Baywatch, Saved by the Bell and Home Alone made you view white and blonde as the "default race" or the only type of people who could be considered "normal" Americans but if you saw more Asians and dark skinned people in the media growing up, maybe you'd view them as something other than "extras" in the background of your life lol. When schools pick students for diversity, those students DO have good grades :-| NONE of those students have lower SAT scores than Lori's daughter, are you kidding? You pretend that low scores make you angry but you just admitted you DON'T CARE that Lori's daughter got low scores?? You literally don't care that her scores are low, so good grades and bad grades are not the issue here. You exalt Lori's daughter above all other people because you exalt white and pale people above all other people. LOL. So if Lori's daughter was darker but the SAME EXACT vapid influencer you would dislike her. Why do you assume that when an African-American student gets in, that they didn't have high or acceptable grades or wrote a compelling essay? A lot of the time, they do. I doubt you're friends with any "African muricans" the way you talk. Many white kids are not smart, but just average and get in through legacy or because the school thinks they can contribute to "campus life" writing for the school paper or hanging out in the coffee houses :-| Asians work their ass off but all of their parents make them play the violin and piano. Colleges want diversity, not 1,000 kids that all play violin. So they're going to want to take in a couple of unique kids that want liberal arts degrees and show off their personality, and not necessarily all maths and science majors who all play the same instrument once all of those spots are full. Barack Obama got straight As in college because he had discipline. George Bush got Cs because he was slacking but I doubt you resent him. I think you're right! That's probably it. I went back and rewatched it and it does look like "He's gorgeous." Thanks! It's Season 2, episode 5 "Midnight at the Concord" and the exchange starts at 29:00 minutes. Thanks for reading the post at least! Another poster finally solved it. The author is Richard Scarry and he made tons of those books with the cat and the exposed houses. I didn't contact my local library because I know knew they would look at me sideways and they wouldn't have the answer lol. I tried to look for the book myself by going on this website that has a list of old published books, but even after using the filter to say I wanted children's books published within certain years I came up with thousands of results and couldn't read through them all. It also turns out the Berenstein bears weren't in it. Richard Scarry's books had its own bears. And the books were not really counting books, but vocabulary books. Oh my God, CerealKiller, that's it!! It's Richard Scarry's books! You are a GENIUS! Thank you! I googled the author's name and I found the cat and I found so many pictures of half houses! Apparently he just put exposed houses in all of his books.