albertmar's Replies

I thought the thread title meant the movie was [b]actually[/b] gay. I clicked here to read examples of how the movie was lgbt. I am disappointed to say the least lol. That was a good line lol She always had mental health issues from the beginning. In the first episode, she throws her medication down the sink and moves to California to stalk Josh. She's a very sympathetic, likeable character and it's a smart show. The reason why nobody posts here is because there's hardly any women on this website. There are hardly any guys that like theater here either. It's seriously all just a bunch of same aged dudes that make weird remarks about race and women and only post on super hero boards. All the old posts on the Crazy Ex Girlfriend board were archived from the old imdb movie boards. They weren't discussions that got started on Movie Chat. The Imdb boards had a greater diversity of people that were posting before the boards were shut down. There were a lot of 40 year old women on the Leonardo DiCaprio boards. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel boards would've been extremely active on the old imdb boards but there's no one posting there on MovieChat. The Lady Gaga board and A Star Is Born board would've been more active on imdb. He developed a bunch of shopping centers years ago. When the scandal broke, Lori's daughter was found on a yacht that belonged to the USC Board of Trustees chairman. It was pretty funny. I think she went straight home after that. [url][/url] The Lori Beth suggestion makes sense somehow! lol. Bob Saget is a good one. Regis is even better but would probably be expensive lol. It's not really putting the blame on someone. Some people are interested in the science behind predisposition. Most people major in communications because they want to work in PR, HR or a related field later. My friend majored in communications and got a job in PR right after she graduated. You don't study medicine if you want to get hired for an advertising firm later. They're going to ask where your press kit portfolio is. It says they were afraid of being bullied not that they actually were. I don't think they even stepped foot on campus after the yacht thing. They might have been advised to withdraw quickly to avoid getting expelled so it doesn't look bad on their record. The school would've eventually said their admission was void because they got in fraudulently and weren't athletes. They most likely didn't want to deal with the image problem or their names being linked to explusion on Google search results. They respect John McCain because of his stance on healthcare. He saved many of his po' white marginalized constituents that otherwise would have died without care that they needed. They don't like him because he "said things about Trump." It's really sad that all Trump fans care about is protecting Trump from people disliking him. Nobody even understands McCain was thinking about other people other than himself, even after he said he was thinking about his constituents. Most Americans whether they're Democrat or Republican feel neutral towards politicians who sanction war, because they grew up with America constantly engaged in wars. They tend not to blame individual politicians like mayors or congressmen. They definitely don't blame soldiers who just go wherever they're sent. They accept it as just a part of the image of the US trying to protect democracy, whether you feel that's right or wrong that's how most people grew up. Just because someone is a Democrat doesn't mean they're "liberal" or even a progressive. I don't know, but it reminds me of when Jennifer Lawrence said "When I found out I got paid less, I didn't get angry at the guys. I blame myself for getting paid less, because I didn't negotiate hard enough. I was afraid to look demanding" and everyone on the old imdb boards FLIPPED THE F OUT saying she was mean to men lolololol. Jennifer: I blame myself. Some dudes: HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!!! Captain Marvel wasn't her first movie. Her first big movie was the movie Room, which she won an Oscar for. You kind of have to raise someone's paycheck after they won an Oscar. Oscar winners don't generally do super hero movies lol. Before Room, she was in Scott Pilgrim and other movies. .........Were you a really big fan of Wrinkle In Time or something? Lol. It's a kid's movie. If you've never watched Full House, how can you say it can't be a good business move? Full House is exactly the kind of show that would kick her out for this exact type of cheating lol. She was only in a few episodes of Fuller House but she really doesn't fit in with the image of the show anymore. The American audience didn't seem to have a problem spending their money on Frozen, Tangled and Bumblebee? Lol. Don't be mad at Disney princesses just because people didn't spend money on something you wanted. The American audience isn't familiar with Battle Angel, and Battle Angel is out of print. Nobody seems to have problems spending money on Hunger Games and Rey Star Wars coloring books. Raging on snap chat filters is insane, dude lol. No, they'll be all right. Someone on these boards said she and her husband have a net worth of 100 million. They can just give some of the money to their daughters and tell them to buy a house. They'll get good lawyers, I'm sure whatever sentence they get won't be that bad. Yes, and at least these students have the ability to get a pen and fill out their own application. Lori's daughter not only didn't have the will power to get a pencil and write her own application, once she got in she was too lazy to read through the list of classes and sign up for her own classes. Her sister had to pick and choose classes for her. An African-American doctor WANTS to go to school, Lori's daughter didn't even want to attend, so why bother filling up a spot that you don't want. Of course doctors have to get good grades in med school and pass board exams. They don't have parents to hire someone to sit next to them during the SATs (and still somehow get average scores). I think her daughter will be okay. Her mom will encourage her to marry a rich dude with old money, she'll have babies to seal the marriage and she won't have to have any knowledge of anything ever. This wasn't a once off incident either, Lori's daughter also went on a trivia show and got the producers to reshoot the ending of the show so that she'd win. They also forced the original girl who did win to pretend to get the answers wrong and took the girls $5,000 away after she already won it the first time. Now what? Lori's daughter is so hot, that she can jack the other girl for her money? Lol The OP's point is Lori's daughter is such a cutie pie that she should be able to do whatever she wants lol. Most teachers barely get paid at all or paid fairly. One of my siblings does well in math and took pre-calc in college but would NOT do well in sociology because then she'd have to write essays, and grammar and spelling is not her thing lol. Not every single college student does well with writing essays. English isn't easy if you hate reading, have a hard time with reading comprehension and hate spelling which sums up a LOT of our politicians. Some of my friends who majored in business always did well in math but could not pass the writing section of a tax exam when they had to talk about tax laws. A lot of actors are interested in psychology because they get told it will help them understand the characters they play. When you major in psychology, you eventually have to take a math statistics class which isn't easy if you hate math. Most people who major in psychology do so because they want to go to grad school to get a master's degree so they can be psychiatrists, diagnose people and prescribe medication. You aren't allowed to be a psychiatrist with just a BA. Creative people like art, so they'll major in art. I myself cannot draw and don't have the discipline to do what animators do, working on movies frame after frame. I suppose you'll say actors are dumb for majoring in theatre too, even though it's relevant to the job they want and some people do not do well with public speaking (see Chelsea Clinton). I think we all know students that read English passages out loud robotically like they do in high school classes lol.