albertmar's Replies

Empowering little girls is not even a real fear worth fearing, or a worthy reason for detractors to detract anything. Ridiculous. I thought you were going to post a picture. Waste of time. Do we, as a nation and as adults, NOT know how to handle having TWO WHOLE movies with two whole women in it? These are movies that were released years apart from reach other no less. Are we all maxed out at two woman movies? Do we act like this when there are three male movies that have been released? Lol. Are Chris Pratt and Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth and all of the other blonde male Chrises in a war? Lmao Also, I just wanted to add this info just in case it helps anyone...there's a lot of young girls on Instagram that make a really big effort to constantly post about Veganism, but it's NOT because they have sympathy for animals. For some of these girls, their posting about their dedication to Veganism is actually an extension of their eating disorder or something they use to hide or mask their eating disorder. They feel if they post a picture of themselves at an exotic location with a green smoothie and claim they've never eaten nuggets, that other people will view them as a pure person with a pure body or as a person with strongest will power. I'm NOT saying most vegans even have this problem (most don't), but it's something to watch out for and be aware of. Part of the symptoms of eating disorders is that the person with disordered thinking sometimes feels other people are stupid and weak for eating any food while viewing their own anorexia as "superior discipline." Not all people with eating disorders fit this profile. However, there are genuinely anorexic or bulimic girls (especially the generation that grew up worshipping Instagram or youtube influencers when they were 11 or 12 but are now 18 or 21) that have this problem. Ariana Grande most likely has this problem. She's not naturally thin, she starves herself. She used to post about Veganism but still wore leather shoes or handbags lol. If you look at pictures of her from her Nickelodeon days in 2009, she was a healthy weight before. She looked like a completely different person, not this Lolita character. She used to look her age, and used to have boobs and legs. One of her co-stars made a parody video of her on YouTube where she bragged about being vegan while being afraid to eat a grape because she thought she might gain weight. The co-star also pointed out she still wore leather handbags. Stop resenting obese people for not being vegan. Seriously, thin people aren't vegan either. I'm naturally really skinny to the point where people are rude about my weight and accuse me of being anorexic. I used to eat a whole box of dominoes pepperoni pizza by myself and literally (quite literally) had mcdonald's everyday. I never exercised and still remained stick thin. My best friend would eat really healthy and be active in sports in high school and still be extremely large, like take up a lot of space in the car large. If you look at pictures of her when she was a baby, she was a giant baby. Her parents fed her normal meals. She never ate mcdonalds or anything, she would actively avoid fast food. She eventually lost tons of weight as an adult by getting a trainer at the gym and exercising a lot more even though she was already pretty active before. She needed to do something different because for her eating salads (which, yes she did eat salads) wasn't enough to lose weight. She's slim now and she eats normal meals AND she eats french fries, Doritos, wine and chocolate, she just doesn't overindulge. A lot of fake people that would have been rude to her before she got slim pay her a lot of attention now. That is awesome. I saw a Christmas special they released in color, but that one was all flashbacks. Was he the same person that said that Michael was a very caring and kind person while at the same time still abused him? Abusers and their victims often have a very complicated relationships. The victim might feel conflicted because they feel like the abuser has a good side or feel compelled to forgive them or defend them. They might consider the abuser their friend while at the same time they were hurt by that person. A victim might even love their abuser. Especially if that person is their dad, family member, teacher, former best friend, classmate, ex boyfriend or girlfriend, colleague, pastor, etc.