WrepDrep's Replies

She did look a bit weird, but in a sexy way. I prefer that to a standard boring nothing-out-of-ordinary woman. I'd eat all of her. It was supposed to be funny. Just listen to the audio. A very cartoonish scene. So basically you would want to fuck yourself? Like I said, I wouldn't date one either. I could only live with a woman my age, who can stimulate me intellectually and relate to me. I would be embarrassed to be seen with a girl that young. I also look down on men who date girls in their daughters age. But marriage and morals is different from sexual attraction. It's normal to find girls in their late teens attractive. You could argue that it's immoral and disturbing to date one, and I wouldn't disagree, but the sexual attraction itself is perfectly normal. I didn't assert that you're a pedo. I just didn't rule that out, because clearly there's something strange about you. This is what I wrote: "So tell me, are you gay, a girl, in denial or a pedophile who is only into kids that haven't reached puberty?" I'm leaning towards "in denial". It seems you're suppressing your sexuality due to fears of being labeled a pedophile. Relax. This is an anonymous board. You're not getting cancelled or burning bridges with women your age by admitting that teenage girls above age of consent can be attractive. If I sounded like those people then I wouldn't have hinted that you might be a pedo in one of my other replies to you. I clearly have no problem with the terminology or the laws or classifications, which you would've realized if you weren't a flat Earth type of moron. Pedophiles are attracted to prepubertal kids. It's a paraphilia and should not be legalized nor normalized. Sexual attraction to 16 year olds isn't pedophilia, paraphilia or illegal. No sorry, I'm mainly into females 16-30. Ooh....140-144. The 99.8 percentile! I'm honored to have come across a rare form of genius! You must be really proud of yourself. This isn't Twitter or Instagram. You can't win arguments here by calling someone a racist, a pedophile, a transphobe or mysogynist. Sexual attraction to girls in their late teens is not a paraphilia, nor illegal in my country. You're arguing against not only laws but also science. You might as well be a flat earther too. Have you ever done an IQ test? "Am I going to pretend that men aren't pervs? Definitely not. A a man in his late 30s, I'm not attracted to 18-year-olds." I'm a man in my early 30s. I wouldn't consider dating and living with an 18 year old either. But it would be unnormal to not be physically attracted to one, as a heterosexual male. You are strange, possibly suffering from a form of paraphilia, or in denial. Why not? 16 is legal in secular, liberal countries and states such as most European countries and Canada. Not everyone here lives in Medieval theocratic shitholes like Iraq and Texas. I do disagree with him though. She's already hot. Already late in the pubertal phase where she looks more like a young woman than a girl. Any honest straight male would find this attractive. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcjHAA_pGHs/?hl=en So tell me, are you gay, a girl, in denial or a pedophile who is only into kids that haven't reached puberty? Chinese and Indian dishes involving ducks or beef. I wish I never had sushi. Cold, raw meat and rice is not for me. Not for free, let alone expensive. I'm not the biggest Will Ferrell fan out there.....but his size and shtick were perfect for this. Tall, hysterical, extremely naive man-child who thinks he's an Elf. That's Will Ferrell. You must be trolling or having serious cognitive issues if you think he was miscast. According to themselves: "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". According to me: black nationalists and other identity extremists with victim complex, who are looking for ways to dethrone, disempower and demonize their racial/sexual enemies. Anyway, the site has removed this show since I reported it. https://www.notwokeshows.com/iswoke I clicked the button. The options which they give you suggests that they don't even know what wokeness even is. What a crap site. Looks like it was made by a greedy loser who is trying to profit from the current anti-woke sentiments. They have a "Oops is this woke?" button right below the cover. So basically they put up a bunch of shows and it's up to the visitors to report the woke shows. Yes, as the OP I agree that it's still enjoyable. It also depends on what sort of wokeness bothers you, and how much. If you're bothered by feminism and gender, then this show will not bother you because it doesn't really get into that, although the two most redeemable characters in it are women(Glenda, Shari). It goes full woke on race.