MovieElephant's Replies

I expected him to turn out to be an antagonist who first gains their trust and then later somehow screws them up for his own benefit, i.e. to get out of the game. But the movie decided to have a more boring plot for him. Oh I thought it was just a monolith. 2001 The whole universe! When the capsule hatch opened, I really expected something like that. Yeah movies never bother simulate the lower gravity indoors. Tuna fish. Yes it is. Dust in the Neptune ring. Apparently it all worked fine and then the mutineers fucked it up. I'm definitely interested in some random dude's review Every movie which doesn't contain McConaughey is a better movie than a movie which contains McConaughey. Imagine this having in your room looking at you each time you go to sleep. Yeah, there's no way that you could ever prove that there's no life anywhere. Balls of steel he truly did have It was the sun. It reminded him of how he used to play naked in the sun. Or some such. The idea is that countries are fighting for territory on the Moon because of the valuable minerals. So those pirates are say French or Russian or Chinese guerrillas attacking Americans. Or actually Americans might be intruding into their territory. You gotta stop reading faster than that He saved the goddamn civilization! You're saying that you have more positive experiences because you paid for the movie. It's actually you the one who's not an objective reviewer. So the movie is shitting on its own premise?