Roguemail's Replies

Scenario? Meant DC fanboys... Very, very few movies are filmed on actual real locations for many reasons. Often practical, financial and even political reasons. And it's hardly a new concept.. been happening almost as long as films have been in existence. Dont mock it...I watched a Godzilla movie once, and afterwards grew into a giant monster, and trampled tall buildings and killed loads of innocent people. Tru story bro...ban these evil movies.. etc, etc... Why would you believe because of Unsolved Mysteries? The title of the show itself makes it clear...unsolved. How can you come to the conclusion aliens exist based on a show like that? But you have still not provided any proof that they are buying tickets. Are you going to ignore the many posters on here who have asked you for proof, or will you just continue to ignore, insult and ridicule others? Frankly there is nothing to derail. No one is agreeing with you and no one is discussing it with you. But everyone else is either asking you to provide proof of your claim, or calling your ridiculous theory out for the bullshit it is. And the nazi jibe? Classy. And its especially ironic that you use the word please on the pretense of being polite. I do not think that's the reason such movies are made. Surely bands have to have an interesting and eventful career, ups and downs, peaks and troughs, tragedies, scandals disasters etc for such movies to be entertaining. you only want people who agree with you. Negationism...hmmm. Never gonna happen dude. As usual you are talking utter shit and have no proof of your moronic claim. Heads up...anyone can reply to any thread they want. You dont make the rules, you dont get to decide. Never been a fan of them, but surely a movie about a crap band in itself can be entertaining? It does not follow that you need to like the music. If those are the only similarities then Do you have any actual proof of Disney buying tickets...and I mean actual proof, not links to websites and YouTube videos with bullshit fan theories. Again with the 'what if' shit. You are obsessed with this. It's almost like you are so disappointed she said nothing offensive about white men, you are just desperately trying to spin it to make it seem like you have a point. You dont. Give it up. At least you get it... Sorry, using a phone and the options for replying are limited... Frankly the amount of fucktards who believe all of the shit talked about this movie, believe what they read like the unquestioning, brainless automatons they are are a miniscule number, and have no effect on the box office whatsoever. "Only the true messiah denies his divinity". First thing that popped into my head when I read the above. Your comment made me laugh almost as much as Life Of Brian itself... Wow...what's wrong with just saying you don't find him attractive? went for the full-on character assassination. Classy. You're missing my point. I understand the Mandela effect and I am not saying she did have braces, what I am saying is that if she did have braces when the first prints of the film were released in 79 and they have subsequently been removed since then, someone somewhere would still have access to a copy on an old format. But someone somewhere could still have a copy on an old format that they cannot delete or wipe. I can't believe that in this technological age there is no way to pull a still from something, whatever the format. Surely if they were there originally then someone somewhere would have a copy of the movie and be able to take stills from it to prove she had braces. Personally I am going with the false memory explanation. I can't remember that far back to my first viewing.