B1cKsurN's Replies

I thought Israel didn't need the US to fight it's wars for them? QuestionMaster is really on an interrogative rampage today lol. LMAO says the same people that immediately call anyone that doesn't agree with them "MAGA" Gtf outta here with your bullshit Bro. Why is it that if Western White people have babies its bad for climate change, but non-Whites, and 3rd Worlders reproducing like jack-rabbits is A-OK somehow?? I dunno, that HermanCainAward subreddit is full of leftists that want to remove unvaccinated people from the Earth... Then you need not lump yourself in with the other "they"...??? Are you speaking for all the leftists here? Isn't that some kind of ist/ism/phobe if you do that? They wouldn't respond to my question of what should happen to trump supporters, so don't expect anything here either. I mean... we know, I'd just like to hear them confirm it without silence. When your greedy to pick up more trash off the ground? Yup, doesn't look like a native Aussie... https://twitter.com/Post4Lamba/status/1779050535397527583 Leftsist and progressives hate women now. They no longer really serve a position in The Agenda. As Gen Z and Gen A young men move to the right in numbers they are....women will eventually follow suit, because that's nature. Leftists and Progs know this so they have to move on to the next oppression group. Democrats are no longer the party of women. Their only currency is attention, and I'm putting my wallet away. The only way he stood a chance was to take the Straight & Narrow path... <blockquote>I don't care how happy or unhappy you, or anyone else is.</blockquote> Then why are you shitting on other people's beliefs? OMG, more internet scripture.... Dude, do you really think a thousand or so respondents from a few countries represents 8 BILLION PEOPLE? LMAO... I can't take you seriously anymore QuestionMaster. There's literally no reason to pay attention to you. <blockquote>I also don't hate myself.</blockquote> That's not the treatment you give to others outwardly. You act like a person that greatly hates themselves so much, they have to direct it towards others or it will eat them up inside. So do you really not hate yourself? You know what the difference between Christians and Atheists is? Christians are happy, and love their God. Atheists are miserable because Christians are happy, and love their God... They hate God(and themselves) so much, that will deny visual evidence right in front of them. Atlantis was real, the evidence is everywhere. You can post your Internet Scripture all you want... it will not change my mind. You have no clue, you are just putting blind faith into your clergymen, and regurgitating their words. That doesn't make you smart Mr. QuestionMaster. Advanced humans have been on this planet far-far longer than we have been led to believe. And the last one was far-far superior to what we have now. Again, the evidence for the flood is everywhere, you <b>choose</b> not to see it. I think I paid 3.41 this afternoon Damn, shit didn't change and now we have no strategic reserve... we need Trump back like yesterday. OOoo I love ID talk. Are you familiar with the Annunaki? Oh QuestionMaster.... the evidence is all over the world, including the actual crater of the meteor that hit the Earth to cause it. You're behind the times, my man. It hit Greenland 12,000 years ago. Fucked everything up, took out the Atlantean Empire, set back civilization back for thousands of years. Look at Google Maps and you can clearly see that the Sahara Desert is a washed out ocean, and the Richat Structure is without a doubt Atlantis. Every current civilization around the world today have histories all going back to a flood of some sort. It's real, it happened.