Thrillhouse's Posts

Academy Awards votes should be public Read this and tell me you still believe in global warming R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsberg No they don't Study: White males most likely to deny climate change Military Occupations Now Supported By Far More Democrats Than Republicans Washington Post supported every war including Vietnam Trump brings troops home for Chrismas, liberals go ballistic Trump ends the war against Syria. Impeachment is imminent When will the Mueller investigation end? New Jersey Governor first act in office: Create department to help illegals evade deportation Flashback: Bernie Sanders comes out against Open Borders, media crucifies him Winning: Weekly Standard newspaper shuts down Are you in favor of the war against Syria? Why shouldn't non-citizens vote? Senate votes to impeach Trump 89-year-old man dies in police custody Why is it so hard for liberals to disavow the Iraq war? ELECTION FRAUD in Minnesota... Is it possible to have immigration and free healthcare?