TristanReloaded's Replies

I hear Karma is the sincerest form of a boot in your ass. If you find that flattering. To each his own. Your attempts at humor are as clumsy as they are desperate. I'm a mCU fan you moron. Now go play hide the zucchini or put a turd in your pillow. those rhinos had laughable CGI. Whole sequence in Infinity War played like a Phantome Menace rip off anywy, tribal warriors on grass land with hover speeders, a giant shield, lots of handheld energy shields . They are lucky that Disney owns Lucasfilm too. just like with "Blood for Oil" this is the "Pedophilia for Raccoon Turds" movement; some love to niff their shit at every price. Roseanne Barr has her supporters too, allegedly ABC already regrets having fired her for her tweet. prequels did not just keep the mythos within the star wars universe it expanded it greatly. Sith, Padawans, Coruscant, balance etc etc were not even mentioned in the Originals. If it were not for Palpatine's rise-to-power plot and the fall of the Republic I would not care for what happens in this juvenile universe and stay with Star Trek and other more cerebral sci fi. Yes one of the big failings of Disney sw is the lack of fresh designs and if there Dre they are unimaginative. That being said, the race chase was pretty well done and looked great other than the Kessel business He is manipulating water. It’s like gravity, curved space pressing you towards matter. lol no, I just made the stupid term up for Iron Man giving Spiderboy a tech-suit with computer voice a la Knight Rider (destroying any natural, naive, home made charm the SM character had). Pick any name, let's call it the Spider Stark Suit then, alliteration always win So is the new Aunt May now officially called Milf May too... OMG it's a metaphor for being gay. Never heard the expression of being stabbed in the side and it did not bleed? It's code. Jesus died when he was stung in the side via lance. Cage didn't. Or is this Quran Jesus? extremely forgettable, I just remember the lame Iron Spider suit and the he became Iron's lackey….and that RDJ phoned it in big time,....and Milf May...but story…? What was the freaking idea? it was reported several times months ago. Great job WB: Enter James "Cum stained boys make me EXTREMLY HAPPY" Gunn to grace DC movies with his lowbrow penis, turds & nipples dreck and his misogyny. All these movies needed. Hope this cancer is strickly limited to Suicide Squad so it cannot fester any further. yeah what a come down Coming frome sublime films dealing with Dance offs and famously huge raccoon turds to fism dealing with...basically the same only without penis, turds and nipple dialogue. sure, he was trying hard to shock convicted pedophiles like his pal Husten Huddelston and all his Nambla "BFFs" audience, especially when linking material. Try again. Nobody has ever like Jar-Jar, or laughed at his joke lines? Only a Sith deals in absolutes (and personal incredulities). And you clearly haven't ever watched Jar Jar with kids. The droid character will be lucky if anybody remembers her name in a few months. leave Jar Jar out of it, hasn't he suffered enough. Also, the Jar Jar fanclub is growing and ready to retaliate. if you believe it, it's not a lie, madam Still, even if you were right this would only confirm your omega status. And there are a lot of letters between beta and omega in the ancient Greek alphabet. Now be silent and go play with your toys. lol at how madman you got, Z. ^ thus spoke Star Wars most toxic bane. Good to know, you are still too obtuse to realize how dumb you are, kuato.