TristanReloaded's Replies

you are just MCU scum who wants to hurt other franchises to boost your kiddy clobberverse; it's insulting that you lowlifes are not even able to muster the basic intelligence to argue your defamatory point. At least this seems out of formula and original in what it is doing. They are everywhere, in your comuter, in your toilet, in your behind...even in your head. I am sure there were some Russians in the twitter mix too. Do the Russians love their Star Wars too? But are they instrumentalized by Russia to deliberately troll Star Wars fandom? LOLĀ² - where is McCarthy when you need him...? Everybody calm down. It's just the garbage tier media on their eternal quest for more click bait. The "study" is of course only a personal research paper by one single guy. It's based on a preciously small sample size of tweets (less than 1000) and is not-randomized and thus suffering from selective data samples (cherry picking) and strong interpretative bias. Eg, Mr Bay's collection method relies only on tweets directed at Rian Johnson. Other accounts related to the film, such as that of Luke Skywalker -- @hamillhimself -- who has almost triple the amount of followers and assumedly a far greater reach than Johnson, were not analyzed. This significantly limits the power of the analysis. That being said, everybody thinking that there is a systematic and funded effort by the Russians to subvert a Space Opera's reception dwells on the dim side of the Force (to put it mildly). What the study confirms is the observation that modern popular film reception is strongly influenced and filtered by political aspects. Duh, tell me what's new. LOL Best fan service moment, would love to see a crime series with the crime syndicates. But likely never to happen now. You may go home and rethink your life. Have you ever danced with the three monkeys in outer space? Lol. Agreed, it's a pity. Star Wars films should at least look pretty. ok, I get tonal fluctuations or plot holes because of rehoots, but the lighting? What happened, could the not afford the electricity for the lights anymore...? Not really, that droid is in the film too shortly to ruin it, roughly 15 minutes. This was likely just intended as another funny droid sidekick - here fighting for droid right - but ended up as a cynical parody played for annoyed laughs and applause when she is shot to pieces. Many brought that up long before RLM stated it. I wonder why that is, even in HD all seems underlit and poorly blocked (except the desert scenes in Act 3). Were they going more of a 70s low budget look to embrace the lowlife milieu, or what went wrong - this is the most expensive Star Wars but does not look that way, quite the contrary. the worst written motivation was Rey's! Why did she not wait for her parents anymore? First she runs away from the magic saber and force-ghosts calling to her Mary Suenss, then she beats up EmoRen, and then wants to find Luke? Does she not care about her parents and their fate suddenly? Why? Why would Leia send this stranger to the super important galactic mission to bring Luke back instead of going herself? Guess same reason she ignores Chewie and her pilots to hug Rey. Horrible fanfic amateur writing! thats why! But Emo Ren and him asking redeemed Vader ghost to protect him from teh light was the most ridiculous lore-fucking thing I ever saw. Anakin complained not about sand but meant it as allegory. I the original script he said "I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet". Too much on the nose. They deleted that and so she, the aristocrat, talks about her sand beaches, while he the lowly man talks about his past in slavery, and his mother he left behind. Star crossed lovers. the really funny thing is she is good at, and better with, EVERYTHING. She is the MaRey Sue. And still she choses to be in the job she sucks at and that makes her starve. Bad writing? No. Very bad writing. WOW, Rey is the new textbook-example of a Mary Sue, even more than the original Mary Sue character from "A Trekker's Tale" (1974). LOL I cannot remember a character in only one story who magically had every ability he needed to look good. Or who was magically better at anything than the pros. Or who got magic hugs, missions, positions and unwarranted attention.I would say that Ma-Rey Sue is the Super-Sue every other Sue and Stu must pray to. Horrible amateurish fanfic writing, but fanfic writers at least mitigate it by using Mary-Sue checklists. nah, these hacks should stop rehashing Lucas' ideas. The Sith manipulated the midichlorians to create life (Anakin), that is his origin story and pretty unique. You would hope that these amateurs at LF were able to create their own stories. That's perfectly fine, Larry. The film is not hated anyway, people are just meh about it. It's mediocre, not bad. First half was pretty ok, second half had some cringe moments, but whatever. Pretty hollow opinion considering it does not even bother to explain why a film with that many inconsistencies, logic leaps and such a low degree of imagination is even close to being the "best".