TristanReloaded's Replies

how would you even know this, Lep? Funny thing is that it does not require watching the movie to comment on your absurd OP. "The best female action star of all times" is hyperbolic and subjective already; now your reasoning is because Vik already "achieved" more than Joli or Mila in their careers? Even if that was correct, it's a blatant non sequitur assuming that those three were the only female action stars of all time. And oh yes, "it's the truth boys and girls". Yikes, you should work on your trolling. I recommend "Trolling for Dummies", 3rd edition. Now there is a thought. it is I, my friend, no other. Let the prequel haters all burn in Star Wars Hell. Long live our Lord Lucas! Seems my mind trick failed, you were supposed to rethink your life, not Clones. But ok. Yeah, the PT story was kid of rushed, maybe too many plot points and events for only three movies. Lucas mitigated this with the Clone Wars show somehow, filling in blanks. In hindsight the Jedi might have been more diligent with the army. But: The point of the story was that Palps put the Jedi into an impossible position of pressure (attack on the Republic by Separatists) in which they could not say no, or stall the process any further, and had to play along - or they would have betrayed the Republic. Yoda suspects it all in Clones with "Victory? This was no victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen..." anticipating the Jedi purge. Also the Jedi did not own the army, it was the Republic's, the police (jedi) cannot investigate the state army in any country. Apart from this: the writing was far from "very basic and paint-by-numbers", on the contrary Palps rise and scheme, and the downfall of the Republic are one of the best Sci Fi stories in the last decades. Name me one blockbuster film where the bad guys win in the end and the good guys are all corrupted, killed or in exile. I thought so! Amazing, every word you just said was wrong. It seems you also failed to understand what is going on in AotC. Just dealt with the "next superweapon"...??? I mean we see the Empire basically grow out of the Republic like a cancer, which is shown via ship designs (Jedi police ship turns in huge destroyer) as well as the imbalance of the Force concept. We also see how demagogues further use conflict to build up their power and subvert democratic principles and institutions and use Jar Jar voters as useful idiots. Maybe you should go home and rethink your life...? I could not have put this any better. Dream on. If it helps you sleep at night. This isn't a proper defense. It's irrelevant whether or not Finn would have succeeded, it's fiction thus completely up to the writers. And boy did they fail. Whatever, it all cumulated into one of the most cringe worthy and morally questionable "I love you" scenes ever. Declaring "We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love! and surprise-kissing Finn while in the background the enemy blows up the last defense because of Rose's selfish action (in contrast to her sister and Holdo) is beyond silly.