TristanReloaded's Replies

these red, pouty, quivering lips are so rebellious and cute, I cant see how anyone would not want to kiss them. It shows that Kylo despite being a bad boy has still so much feeling in him, it makes him super sexy I think. And these sensitive nipples..., if you don't want to squeeze those like Luke milked that sweet testicle utter, you are just a big phat liar. Full period! don't deflect, mark. Stay on target. The script is silly and full of holes, from beginning to the end. That is undeniable. What elevates this film and makes it such a creative Big Bang are the ideas, concepts and characters. And more importantly, the production values: The art & sound design (Costumes, Falcon/X-Wing/Speeder/Ties, Death Star, Light Sabers, R2, Aliens etc etc) and the music. This was unprecedented and remains unrivaled to this day. High quality junk food. I was surprised at this too. I would have thought by this time the wall would have built so that Mexicans are kept out. Does the president even twitter about this? Must be some stormy weather at the White House preventing them from Trump-grab this opportunity. I don't care much for the entire Death Star infiltration & rescue part of the movie. Before this and after the film is great: The Empire is brutal, the hero escape barely alive. But during the infiltration part the Empire suddenly becomes a joke by being unable to cope with a few losers withing their own installation, who shoot dozens of troopers (yeah I know they later retcon it by letting them go but this was just a clumsy plot device). It seems just a cliff hanger to cliff hanger seccession of events. The inflitrations in TFA and TLJ were even worse though, the Starkiller thing was particularily absurd. Amazing, everything you just said was wrong. Since 1974 when A Trekker's Tale was released by Paula Smith featuring a Ms Mary Sue as the newly intrioduced lead and poking fun at ridiculously written fanfic character. we miss you there, we ran out of furious-types, guess you were banned. Pretty boring, no antagonism anymore. And yeah, I hardly recognized your writing style sober, civilized and un-foul mouthed, was demonstrably different back then. When you finally find that the much-hyped mystery box does not even contain one measly carrot dangling, you are bound to be disappointed. People now want to kill the messenger, Johnson, who revealed it, but he just reaped what JJ sowed. both, the main bulk of text stems from an OP on IMDB Vol 2 I did some time back. But I have redrafted it slightly, though it still lacks a few crucial points like character development and motivation, which was noticeably attrocious too. "Unmemorable" is on my list too, it's indirectly referred to in some points especially the ones on story rehash, music and action scenes. Furious my old fiend, it was your foul stench that led me here. At last the last prequel-haters must pay the price for their lack of vision. You are dead wrong: TLA sucked moderately, while TFA was an apotheosis of suck. R1 was fine (as is fowl). Continuation.... 4. [b]EXECUTION[/b]: - Lot of the CGI is shoddy, the dogfights look like video games, characters like Snoke, the tentacle monsters or Maz look fake and not any beter than in the PT done decades before; - The direction is rushed (relentless pacing); - There is a propensity for overacting, especially with the new characters, especially with Ridley making silly faces. - The action scenes and set pieces are just adequate – there is nothing remotely as iconic as in the OT (DS trench run, AT-AT attack, speeder bike race/DS attack) or even the PT (pod race, Clone War/Geonosis battle, Coruscant battle etc); - The music is decent but like the film lacking the old inspiration for the most part; - Many nitpicks/ ”lens flares” such as the “Ties approach with red sun backdrop”, even that shot is a mess: It’s obviously a rehash, sorry, tribute to the famous Apocalypse Now shot with helicopters. But the TFA-Cantina battle scene plays during bright daylight, a red sun is only seen for this very shot. Nuff said! Continuation: This film packs too much hack for only one single post... 3. [b]STORYLINE/SCRIPT[/b] - The main story line is broken and abandoned: First the plot is about getting a map and finding Luke.Then it's suddenly about destroying Death Star III (no inner connection between stories). The Luke’s map-plot is then suddenly resolved by a deus ex machina event (R2 conveniently awakening, having the map and nobody ever thought of looking in Luke's left-behind droid R2...); - The scrip excels at creating logical inconstancies/plot holes, (e.g. Han taking BB-8 into Maz's cantina, resulting in it’s destruction), deus ex machina events, convenient coincidents, and plain old bad writing - e.g., the sword fight starts with a plot hole and ends with a earth hole (chasm ridiculously and conveniently opening to save Kylo from Rey), in between lies bad writing violating common sense, the established lore and Force rules. - The dialog is badly writing and laughable (got a boyfriend cute boyfriend?), often just created to create cheap lowbrow humor; - All about Death Star 3, including physics and its workings, is blatantly unoriginal and stupid; - The map subplot is beyond absurd and convoluted (since when do you define destinations in space by directions but not coordinates - but let's not even get started on this!). well, I thought this was a very interesting doc. Not the glib propaganda glorification they presented with the TFA doc. The TLJ doc really went into some of the issue and it portrayded Johnson as someone who knew that he made risky decisions, doubted himself a lot but stayed on course for the most part (he totally reshot the beginning sequence because he panicked about it). This is what artistic license is about. This does not excuse him being a mediocre writer though, not just in TLJ. it could make sense if written properly. Young idealists often become monster afraid to lose their power. There was an space opera scene and a SW trilogy dedicated to that theme. But if you do such a drastic turn on Luke Skywalker's character you must write it in a way that such a turn becomes plausible. JJ the mystery hack did not even try, Ryan the mediocre writer he is failed at it. Enter Jake Skywalker. that's for sure, different from the book's plot but an worthwhile animal of its own. Lot of suspense and surprisingly effective horror, and some things at the end forcing you think and interpret (or you will hate it of you fail at that). yeah, some say Last Jedi reaped what Force Awakens sowed. Or clad in more uncivilized terms, Ryan Johnson shat out the crap JJ produced. And hardly anyone believes anymore that it was gold what came out there. It's only natural, yet unfortunate. I thought so, but to be fair: It's a new approach introducing a de-sexualizest, feminist-friendly Laura Croft more in line with the updated gaming model. We are lucky they did not cast Daisy Ridley, Vik is a blessing compared to that. I liked her eyes, they were the best thing about this movie. It really helps to think that those were not the real OT characters: They were Jake Skywalker, Hans Olo and Carrie Poppins. But one can safely say that M Hamill and his character were treated unfavorably in Force Awakens. I mean Hamill was reduced to a silent cameo because they thought that Luke - when he originally reappeared - stole the spotlight from the Rey character. And Luke - the selfless, courageous OT hero - failed the Jedi by having the SAME DAMN THING happen again (angry Skywalker seduced by dark side lord kills Jedi order). And what does Luke do - does he redeem his fallen apprentices and destroy evil Snoke? No, he disappears and "in the meantime" lets the Empire rise again killing billions, and pouts on a unfindable island that is somehow findable with a map (who needs coordinates!). That's all TFA. What's more, I do not think Han Solo was treated any better. I mean the guy who in the end always saved his friends asses now runs away from his family, and does not care for his son's destiny at all? And what does he do, go to an island to pout? No worse, he becomes a lowly smuggler-criminal again, in adult-diapers age. And that with one of the most recognizable name and face in the galaxy (not to forget about the trademark Wookie companion). Ideal for smuggling really... And dont't get me started on the idiotic plan they had to bring Kylo boy back - did they even have one? Just show up during the Starkiller attack and say: Hey Benny come home , all is forgiven, even the millions of murders, no one in the Republic will hold you liable for it, I guess. No, Han died like a bitch, and he deserved it, including having no funeral but only the infamous Leia-hugged-first event. Luke's death was silly, but graceful including the mourning. Just sad what happened to Carrie Poppins, hope she gets a proper funeral at least.