MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Was there no one more menacing than Adam...

Was there no one more menacing than Adam Driver?

Seriously, he looks like the love child of Marilyn Manson and Josh Groban. I wanted to rip those pouty, quivering lips right off of his face.


these red, pouty, quivering lips are so rebellious and cute, I cant see how anyone would not want to kiss them. It shows that Kylo despite being a bad boy has still so much feeling in him, it makes him super sexy I think. And these sensitive nipples..., if you don't want to squeeze those like Luke milked that sweet testicle utter, you are just a big phat liar. Full period!


Everytime I see him I think of Sherlock Holmes and have no idea why.


it's a kids movie... They don't want anyone actually menacing...


If it's a kids movie why do you hang out in the forums so much? Looking for someone to groom?


You might want to re-evaluate why you are so attached to a kids movie that you would lash out in such an ugly way to such a mild remark about a "Disney" movie...

Even Lucas has said that Star Wars is made with 12 year olds in mind... Google it...

That your immediate insult would turn to predatory sexual behaviour against minors is a symptom of a distrubed mind... Please seek help...


It’s not really a kid’s movie. Star Wars was a kid’s movie. Though it had appeal for everyone. This is more like a teenager movie, where in order to appeal to teenagers, they have to try and exclude anyone else from being able to like it. Teenagers are struggling to define themselves, they want something just for themselves, and they latch onto bad trends like these. It makes the movie precarious and so unless it captures some sort of major shared experience of the time, even the teenagers will just outgrow it. 1/10, and I here I thought George Lucas was the one who only cared about selling Chinese leaded plastic from China.


I remember, as a kid in the 80s, my parents throwing out half of my toys in fear of Chinese lead... The purge! 😂


I used to collect and paint Warhammer minatures. Those bad boys used to be lead. Now they're wimpy plastic.

So disappointing. I handled them for years and they never caused any harm to either of me.


Your primary contribution to this board seems to be to patronisingly refer to Star Wars as a kids movie and with that imply/state that your fellow posters are childish and you're oh so superior, and yet here you are, making post after post on a 'kids movie' forum, so tell me; do you hang out in the Mary Poppins page too? How about Bed Knobs and Broomsticks? Frozen?

I'm willing to bet (and I sincerely hope that) the answer is 'no'.

Remind me again how many kids movies feature dismemberment, the roasting corpses of the hero's foster parents, the on screen death of 90% of the good guys, the villain chocking somebody to death in the opening scene etc etc?
It doesn't matter what Lucas has said, if the director of the Human Centipede said he made it with kids in mind it wouldn't make it a kids film would it? What matters is what is on screen and Star Wars has - and has always been famous for - cross generational appeal, it has (or had) something for everyone. It would be true to say, absolutely, that the films are (usually) made to appeal to all ages so don't expect anything too dark/disturbing/complex etc but then that wouldn't allow you to smugly assert your superiority over adults that like these films (which would be most of the population it seems, at least for the OT) would it?

So if you don't have anything more productive to say then please, just go away and give your insights on all the 'adult' movie pages. I'm sure the 'Jules et Jim' board could benefit from your wisdom.


I don't actively seek Star Wars... It pops up on a daily basis in recent discussions and is the only kids movie I watched in cinema last year. I can't comment on Legos movies or galaxy guardians 2 as i have not seen those.

I did watch Valerian, at home with the family, and liked it. I've posted about it favourably on this site. Check it out.

You missunderstand me... I was sincere in my opinion that Disney do not want to alienate kids, which is their key demographic... Percisely because parents watch Star Wars with their kids as a cross-generational form of entertainment... To make Adam Driver more menacing would be a bit much for many parents to allow their children to watch, or to share with them as a wholesome experience... In the Disney way...

Film culture in general is a lot more infantalised than in the past as comicbook and kids franchise movies have become the dominant movies culturally.

Can Star Wars be blamed for infantalising film culture? Not really. I think it was as much a symptom as it was a catalyst of this gradual change in mainstream culture in general from the late 70s until now... That this accelerated in the past 15 years is not due to Star Wars, but that is a separate topic alltogether.

The fact that i recognise this trend does not mean that I look down on fans of Star Wars or of comicbook movies. There are trivial movies that I enjoy, without guilt, all the time. I don't feel personally attacked when people trash them.

These boards are to discuss movies. Some comments are going to be negative, even Truffaut's films 😉, otherwise these would become bland fan appreciation boards... We have to deal with it.

No, I don't feel superior to Star Wars fans in general. With the exception of the stunted generation that feel that The Last Jedi "raped their childhood"... I certainly feel superior to them, with sympathy, but how could I not?! They kinda did it to themselves...

I don't want to derail this discussion, so will bow out of this thread...


Ah now you've made me feel bad by replying in a fair and intelligent way, despite my animosity. I apologise for the grooming comment - which was childish. Which makes me a hypocrite. Oh well.


No hard feeling 👍


Jar Jar Abraham’s trademark second to lens flare.


There was Snoke, but that hack Johnson killed him off.


Agreed, he's like an annoyingly emo junior high kid

Also, they could've handled his unveiling better, would've been a bit more menacing if we'd not seen his face until right before he killed Han


I'm with you. The first time I saw his face I started laughing and pointing at the screen. "That? They are afraid of that? lol!" He isn't convincing as a menacing villain. He could not take candy from a baby.

I didn't watch the whole The Force Awakens as Rey's Mary Sue-ness made me lose interest and I left the movie early. I'm not watching any more movies with Rey and Kylo as the main characters. I'm effectively done with the series.


True story: when I watched TFA at the cinema and he took his helmet off, quite a few members of the cinema audience laughed out loud.

Not a good start for your new villain.

And he's *still* probably the best thing in it!
