jacob54311's Replies

Geez, she sounds like the mom from Boogie Nights. I'm sorry dude. My mom is nothing but positive and supportive. Dad on the other hand... Interesting. Makes sense. I liked the movie as well. Besides what you mentioned, it's just a cool slice of life kind of movie about what it was like being part of that swinging London scene in the late sixties for a successful artist. You kind of hang out with this guy while he goes about his life. Then he starts poking around this weird scene he witnessed. It's not a parody at all. There's some humor and its not 100 historical, but Ed Wood's life was often fairly comical. My first Bond film and still one of my favorites. Maybe the only Moore Bond film that didn't totally camp it up. Rarely. Unless there's something kind of cool going on during the end credits, like the music is really good or there are some cool visuals. Craig was certainly more convincing in the fight scenes. Moore was pretty smooth with the ladies and good with the humor. I think Moore's take was correct. What a story! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXz60f0HLU There are a lot of people with such stories though, including castmates, the people at Saturday Night Live (say he's the worst guest they've had), fans. He and Gene Simmons from Kiss are probably the two celebrities that I never seem to hear anything good about. Typo? or they are just straight up lying or pretending to have made a mistake for clicks. Nah, not the modern news media. They'd never forget their journalistic integrity like that! I think they were just using the word zombie for that, yeah. It's not a zombie movie, for sure. Was it Australian? It might be The Loved Ones. Sounds kind of like that, though I haven't seen that movie in a little while. It's been a while since I watched this, and I can't honestly remember. I've seen the movie a few times, too. This question never even occurred to me before, though. Where the heck was he before he popped up after the crash? Right. It's a movie about Nazis - mocking them, made by Taika Waititi, who is a Maori, according to Wikipedia. Not a good example of an "un-PC" movie. Come on. That kind of thing is far more widespread now. I have to wonder if you were around in the 70s and 80s? Movies like Revenge of the Nerds would be released and there'd be almost nothing from the media about the content. A lot of critics didn't like the movie, but I don't think most of them disliked it because they were offended or anything like that. Some critics would complain about the content of certain horror films, mostly the slasher movies that were popular then. Siskel and Ebert did quite a bit. That's one of the few examples of that kind of thing I can recall from back then. And he's right. He wouldn't be willing to make it. Good luck finding a studio willing to do it. I can't remember much controversy about that ending then. There'd be endless articles about the outrage on Twitter now. People still watch them. That doesn't mean that the culture in the industry and the media hasn't changed. It's not just a matter of whether people would watch it. If Blazing Saddles were made today, you almost certainly would not be seeing the same movie. April, 2019. God these elections go way too long. Ah, you're talking about the different mortality rates being reported between countries. Now you are, anyway. Of course the rates going to be different from country to country. There's a huge difference in the number of cases in each country, for one thing. Different healthcare systems, etc. You didn't say anything different countries in your first couple of replies to me, though... I thought I was pretty clear that I was talking about the mortality rate overall. The numbers of all confirmed cases and deaths worldwide. I saw an estimate somewhere giving a possible mortality rate between 1%-3% of cases. Why would you think when I wrote that the mortality rate was between 1-3% that I was talking about the range of mortality rates in different countries? I didn't say anything like that about different countries, just that this was the mortality rate for the virus. You know, generally. Also, the numbers I gave don't match what you were writing about. The country with the lowest mortality rate isn't 1% and the location with the highest mortality rate isn't 3%. And even when I said I was giving an estimate you still didn't realize I was talking about the worldwide rate? "You find those numbers 'hard to believe'. So what? Why should I care about your belief?" Pretty rude. Maybe you realized that when I wrote "1-3% mortality rate is no joke." I meant overall and are just trolling? I mean, in your first reply to me you seemed to know what I meant. Hard to believe that there were 5 different murderers operating in that small part of London with such an unusual and brutal MO. Can you link to a source for that info? I find it hard to believe that the reports of confirmed cases and deaths varies so much that some reports are giving us a mortality rate that is THREE TIMES what other reports are telling us. That would mean there's a really wide range in the numbers in these reports you're talking about, which you say all use hard numbers for confirmed cases. No one has mentioned anything about big inconsistencies between reports of confirmed cases in the news stories I've seen on this. I would think if they were having so much trouble with getting hard numbers that are consistent, there'd be something about it. Every story I've seen has numbers similar to this one, though, and none mention big differences in the number of confirmed cases you're telling me about. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/coronavirus-map-confirmed-cases-2020-n1120686 Interesting.