blue1981's Replies

Leslie Jones was the only woman who I could believe as a Ghostbuster as she was the working class character. She's 6 feet tall and has the body type of a guy. Zac Effron may be the lead but I guarantee the other two of the three men will be cast according to quotas. I'm in no way an anti-vaxxer, I just don't trust his intentions behind developing a vaccine. A tech guy is not a disease expert. Thomas Ian Griffith(Terry Silver) who played Vallek did an interview for the bluray of John Carpenter's Vampires. He's fully grey but I'd say looks like he's probably still in good shape. No WE Can't, only women are allowed to exude any type of sexuality and they only use it to get ahead in life. Yeah so other countries can control their borders but the forces of evil in America want no border control here. That's part of the problem that got us in this mess with COVID. It doesn't matter if I want it. Guys can't get laid as easily as women do. THAT IS A FACT. All they did was not show it at a film festival. The movie is still widely available. That part of the movie was total Bullshit because no guy gets sex that easily when women control every aspect of it. It's weird thinking of this movie today. It's funny for the Arnold one liners, but the plot of him going undercover as Kindergarten teacher to find the kid who's father is a drug dealer is very adult oriented for a so called family movie. I'd say just buy the dvd or blu-ray and listen to the commentary. If elected he'll likely resign in office due to his declining health and dementia. I love laughing at super offensive movies and I'm glad I found it online to watch. If you aligned yourself with domestic terrorism to inflict misery on the masses you have no ground to stand on. The Radical Left who are purposefully collapsing the economy and the people who are rioting are a part of the culmination of the last four years of Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones responsible for the rise of the misery index. At its core it's a racial supremacy movement just like The Black Panther party and nothing more. How Tall? I'm 6'2" and it's always been a good thing in life. I don't like short women though, specifically those who are 5'3" or less. I don't like feeling like a freak of nature compared to them. I'm sure there are but who care if there are not. Men doing anything collectively as a monolithic group is not a problem.