blue1981's Replies

The death of Patrick Swayze hurt more and he died the same year. I once got a buzzcut by mistake and cried afterwards. Thankfully it all grew back. UHF, Ghostbusters 2, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Batman, Lethal Weapon 2, and The Abyss all came out in the summer of 1989. What an insane lineup of classic movies. You sound like the prosecutors in his trial who tried to say he had no right to defend himself. WRONG. No chance in hell Snipes and Reynolds would do another movie together. I only person you mentioned I'd have any ire for is Rachel Zegler. I'll occasionally sing up for Disney but when I do its mostly to watch movies and tv shows from the early 2000s or before. I know boycotting Disney is meaningless given how big they are as a company so I try to give them as little money as possible. I may hate many movies made today but I'm still a movie nerd. You just have to look harder to find the good ones. Are you still married to the same person today? 🤣 None as I don't have that kind of money. I don't have cable but watch plenty of clips of them off of YouTube. It looks cool but looks too small to be that price. I though Kenobi was boring. I'll never watch The Acolyte. EVER. There's a brand new 4k/bluray release and it has extra deleted, commentary from the creators of Cobra Kai, and the slipcover is a replica of the old 80s vhs box. It's a fantastic release I've never liked his music but he's always been entertaining on SNL. How bad does your home life have to be when you're married to Jessica Biel? Seeing all the memes and internet hate is JT really considered washed up now? My joke may be sexist but I don't care. She enabled domestic terrorism in the summer of 2020 when she helped set up bail out funds for such peaceful BLM protestors. She deserves no respect. She literally slept her way to the top as Willie Brown's hot dog bun. Those have stood against Biden's Authoritarian Regime are either in Jail or the Corrupt DOJ is is trying to lock them up. All because they're trying to root out the corruption in the Federal Government. Belle would still be white but the Beast would be a Black Guy once he returns to human form.