blue1981's Replies

Bring back the "Round Ball Rock".🤣 The puppet masters behind the scenes of the Biden Regime. 🤣 I'm not sure being objectified is the right word in my case but it just feels awkward and uncomfortable having a huge height difference and I don't think of being over 6ft is that big of a deal. Yes. If you create a society of weak men it would be easier to destroy America from the inside. Instead of pandering to an audience that doesn't exist step aside and let someone else run Lucasfilm who cares about the franchise and it's fans. That's not a toxic statement. I'm 6'2" and know the feeling of being objectified. I have no interest in women barely at the 5ft mark as they make it seem as if that's all they care about and I feel like a freak of nature because of my size compared to them. Saying you want men in society to get back to showing dominate masculinity is important if America will survive. Once you've exhausted all outlets to contest the election and you know you've lost it would then be time to do the right thing for your successor and our country. I hope Biden understands that and I'd show him some respect if he did. I will never apologize for my hatred towards any woman like her who hates me back for simply existing. That complaint is both sexism and narcissism when you believe our half of the human race doesn't have a right to anything in society or culture just because it doesn't center around the interests of women. The only reason she hasn't been fired yet is because Bob Iger is a coward. I don't believe "no politician should ever be convicted", but I believe any investigation otlr prosecution of a President or Presidential candidate should only be done at the Federal level. The Democrats have now set the Precedent where you can have all these rogue State AGs and DAs prosecuting political opponents on whatever grounds they want and weaponize the Justice System to guarantee a conviction. That's as corrupt as it can get. I fear for our future if Trump doesn't win. If Biden cheat his way to victory we will see the next Great Depression, a second Civil War or World War 3. Also there's a good chance he wouldn't live to see the end of his second term. Kamala is waiting in the wings for a call he fell down some stairs Wrong the President in the movie is a Trump Stand In and by the end it's an Antifa Wet Dream. That's even worse. Right on!!! I'm pretty limited on spending money but if I give $20 I'm sure I'll get some cool campaign updates outside of the normal news. I'm currently unemployed but thinking of making a $20 donation I know that's nothing but I consider it more of a symbolic gesture. The Corrupt Assholes that make up the Deep State must be stopped or America will cease to exist. I think the Expendables was a great concept but the movies vary based on the execution of the director, screenplay, and budget. I liked 2 the best 4 was probably the worst movie of 2023. Nice!!! Falling Down is a classic. I'll admit to liking food on their breakfast menu but that's it. The brainwashed TDS suffers will riot after the conviction is overturned on appeal.